Chapter 10

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Author's Corner :

(I Feel It Coming by The Weeknd 👌😏)

Author's Bro : What the fuck are you doing, Author?! I'm telling mom!

Author : WHAT?! 😨 OI BRO COME BACK HERE! I WAS SINGING GEEEEZZ! 😤 Well, whatever. This one is going to be a longgg chapter (again), sorry! Enjoy guys~

-Chapter 10 : Pfft Overgrown Dogs!-

Mike's travel bag shone bright, indicating that the comic was glowing, again.

Mike of course just ignored it as he casually walked out of the elevator once it stopped at the floor where the art department was, whistling a happy tune all the way to the entry hall of the art department. He opened his mouth and yawned loudly, nodding his head to the security guard of the floor.

"Rough day, Mr. Freeman?", the security guard asked the slightly drowsy man, tossing a sympathy look to his boss.

"Kind of. Beware, the godzilla is on the loose. If I were you, I will avoid the godzilla's floor for the rest of the day", Mike informed with an amused tone, laughing a little when he saw the baffled expression of the guard.

"Thank you for the information sir, I appreciate it. Well, do you want me to inform Mr. Aaron for your arrival?", the guard offered, already grasping the phone's handle from his table.

"Nah, it's okay. I only need to meet some buddies here. Godzilla's order", Mike replied but he stopped dead on his track when he heard the oh-so-familiar-voice of his boss.

"WHO THE FUCK YOU CALLED GODZILLA, FREEMAN!", Axel bellowed from the intercom on the security guard's pocket.

"Uh-oh, I better go ha ha sorry boss bye", Mike sweat-drop, he quickly walked to the art office and straight to the illustrators' studio. He looked around the room and found the busy illustrators were scraping blank sheets, tousling hairs, smoking cigarettes, some even looking like they hadn't slept for days.

They ignored the slightly drowsy and stinky editor or more like too oblivious to the said man presence.

"Hmmmm who to choose? Hmm. Nah. Well. No. Okay. Found him!", Mike pointed to some illustrators with his finger, shaking and nodding his head. He grinned when his eyes and his finger stopped at a lounging illustrator with a glass of R*yal Cup in his hand.

The said illustrator was closing his eyes and resting his head on the back of his chair, while sipping his coffee once in a while. He startled out of his mind when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

He turned his head and saw his boss. He jumped out of his chair and rigidly stood beside his chair. "Mr. Freeman! How are you sir?", the startled illustrator asked, slightly groggy for meeting his boss out of blue.

"Ahh Esad Ribić, my pal, how are you my friend? Me? I'm still kicking ha!", Mike replied enthusiastically, grinning at the now-shocked illustrator.

"I'm fine, thank you sir. Errrr sir, do you need something? Do you want me to call Mr. Aaron for you?", Esad asked, his eyes darting around the room. He saw his fellow illustrators looked at the interaction in interest.

"Nah, I'm here to meet you, it's Mr. Alonso's order", Mike explained, yawning again.

"Umm yes sir?", Esad asked, fidgeting a little after the mention of the big boss or well known as the godzilla.

"I think we need to sit down because what I'm going to tell you is a long story", Mike said.

Esad nodded his head as he ushered his boss to the couch in the corner of the studio after he put his coffee on his table. Once they sat cozily on the couch, Mike explained everything from the beginning. Esad's expressions changed from curious to shock to complete disbelief and finally settled to 'are you crazy' look.

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