Chapter 11

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Author's Corner :

Someone : Author, can you please update this story? 😸😻

Author : Huh? Who are you dude? 🗿 *backing away*

Someone : I'm Barry Allen! Nice to meet you! 🙌 *talking in a cheery tone*

Author : The hell? The Flash? Why is a DC hero here? Is this a crossover world? DC and Marvel? Damn! That would be awesome! 😨😱😍

-Chapter 11 : The Forgotten History-

"Ughh what should I do....", (y/n) whispered, closing her eyes and sighing loudly.

(y/n) sighed for the n-th times. There was a lot of things on her mind, about the overgrown dogs (Thor and Loki), the note, and what she was going to do. Well if Mike told her sooner, she sure wouldn't be this hesitant.

Why do you ask? Well, she loved Asgard (though most of the people here were suck but the villagers she came to know were truly a gold. They always smile and say hello to her (though (y/n) only gave a small smile. Heh she hates small talks but still their attempt to do it was what amaze her). Most people in Manhattan were like... individualistic, well aren't people from the big cities like that?.

She also loved her power or magic or whatever was it called, why not? People who loved to read comics/fantasy books, at least once in their life, thought that it would be awesome to have magic or power, don't you? Because (y/n) was damn sure she loved it.

And.. she would be a big liar to herself if she said that she didn't come to like (no, (y/n) wasn't going to say love because it was such a strong word, for now) the princes, heh, even she came to like Loki.

Loki was like 'that' bad boy, the one who was hard to resist. He also was nice, sometimes... And Thor? Thor was like 'that' nice guy you would like to have as a husband. He was gentle, kind and great hugger too! He was like a teddy bear, a muscular teddy bear!

(y/n) sighed again, reading Mike's note again and then looking up at the ceiling of the Bifrost Bridge.

'Ughh I think my head is going to explode soon... But.. I also missed Mike and our fun time, pizza! Gawd I missed pizza so darn much! How come I survive this long without even a slice of the godly food? Not to forget about Pharrell Williams' song! Geezz I missed my real world...', (y/n) thought, rubbing her temples to ease her pounding head. Oh hell, think one thing at a time.

(y/n) laid down on her back, hoping that it will help to chase away the headache. "Well I guess I will think about it again later. I still have 90 pages left though.. I hope Mike will send me a note when only 10 or maybe 5 pages are left", she muttered to herself, still looking at the ceiling, contemplating whether what she did was right or it will send her straight to her impending doom.

"All of this is making me sleepy", (y/n) mumbled as she yawned loudly, gently rubbing her eyes. She curled her body to her side and used her hands as pillow, yawning again before she lost in her dream.


"Little", a gentle voice roused her from her dream about eating pizza while listening to Happy by Pharrell Williams. She yawned loudly and stretched her body, reluctantly goes back to the real world or comic's world? Well, whatever works.

"Little Lady", the voice said again, a little louder than before. (y/n)'s eyes fluttered madly, she opened her eyes to see who was waking her up.

"Hmm?", (y/n) grunted softly, not happy for whoever was it that woke her from the yummy dream.

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