New Arrival

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The sound of my phone buzzing pulled me out of my sleep. I sleepily rubbed my eyes as my legs stretched out from under the sheets. I lightly groaned out as my phone started buzzing again. My eyes shot over to the dresser that was across the room. My phone sat on top of it charging and purposely being far away from me so that I'd force myself to get up. I slowly sat up and swung my legs over the side of the bed. It took me a few seconds but I finally stood up and made my way to my dresser and turned off the alarm. Once my room fell silent I let out a deep sigh of satisfaction. I ran my fingers through my hair before walking to my door and swinging it open. As I walked into the small hallway I looked at the other bedrooms in my dorm apt. This place used to have 5 girls in here and now it's just me, can't say I'm upset by that though. I turned and made my way down the hall and past the living room, grabbing my towel as I passed the recliner. I opened my dorm room door and walked out into the silent hallway. The Dorm building was so silent which I appreciated, actually the whole campus was usually silent. When the outbreak started almost everybody jumped ship and went back home. Those who didn't either stayed in town and went missing or ended up getting infected too. Me on the other hand, I was prepared for this day. My Roommates always teased me when I stocked up on food and bought weapons, Bet the ones that are alive feel like shit now.

I made my way to the shower room and went to the stall on the far end of the room. I hung my towel on the outside of the shower and hopped inside. My body started to wake itself up as I took my shower. I loved long hot showers, gives me time to just relax and think to myself. After about 20 minutes of showering I decided I was clean enough. I wrapped my towel around me and stepped out of the shower. I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste from out of my basket that I keep in my shower stall. I brushed my teeth and fixed up my frizzy hair before straightening up and walking back to my dorm room. Once I had gotten back into my dorm room I did my usual routine of getting dressed and then making some breakfast and just sitting in my livingroom. I always either watched one of the hundreds of movies that I had or just looked outside to see if anything new was happening. I didn't get out much but when I that was the most fun. It sounds terrible to admit but when I do need to leave to go find food or clothes I have the best time killing the infected. It's exciting and gets my heart racing, plus I feel a little like a badass when I'm out there taking on hoards. Unlike other people that I've met I'm more of a melee girl. I love throwing knives, Katana's, axes, hammers, and swords. They give me chances to practice my agility and speed, plus close range attacking is way more efficient then shooting some gun.

Almost as if on cue with my thoughts I heard a gunshot from outside my window. I turned my body around on the couch and looked outside, it may just be another group of hunters in the area. As I peeked through the shade a man came into view. He was wearing a plaid shirt, with black jeans and red sneakers. He was running through the courtyard and shooting at some infected that were running after him. I scoffed to myself a little as I saw him stop beside the fountain, this guy is totally gonna get himself killed if he doesn't keep moving. I could hear him yelling something as he shot at the ground of infected but I didn't care. I wasn't gonna risk my life for someone I didn't even know. I sat and watched him for my entertainment, he was moving incredibly slow, trying to go back the direction he came from but I didn't know why... Until I saw a dog round the corner. The golden fluff ball was running through the infected barely getting grabbed as it made its way to the guy. Once the dog reached him he grabbed it's collar and moved it behind him. I could feel my legs shake as I saw the dog "Don't help Y/N, Don't help Y/N..ughhh goddammit" I spoke out to myself as I got up. I quickly walked to my door and grabbed my katana that sat by it. I slid it in my belt loop before grabbing my pistol and heading out my door. I made my way to the blocked off staircase and began to pull back the couches and bed frames I had stacked in front of the door. Once I got it cleared I quickly made my way down to the first floor. The whole building always stayed cleared out since the front doors were made of bulletproof glass and they needed a student ID to me unlocked but I still always had the stairs blocked off just incase. The sound of gunfire filled my ears as I pushed open the front door.

I made sure my pistol was full as I ran over to the guy. He stayed shooting at the infected until his gun went silent. He was out of bullets and he was starting to panic. As he turned to run his eyes met mine and he froze. I groaned a little annoyed at his stupidity as I ran closer to him and yelled "Get down!" He looked at me for another few seconds before ducking down over his dog. I started to shoot at the infected that neared him, dropping them easily. The moment I had gotten up to him I pulled out my katana. Reaching my blade forward and stabbing it into one's head. I looked down at him and yelled "Get to the building, now!" He quickly got up and grabbed his dog. As he started to run I follow behind him, cutting heads as I needed. Once we had gotten to the building I quickly scanned my card and the doors popped open. I pushed him inside and quickly closed the door behind us. I lightly jumped as one of the infected ran into the glass door, howling and banging at it. I turned to the guy who was kneeling down and petting his shaking dog. His dark brown hair hung over one side of his forehead and his arms seemed strong. He looked up at me and that's when I connected with his beautiful brown eyes. "Thank you so much for the help" I was taken back at how deep his voice is. I looked at him before starting to walk to the steps "Just don't get yourself caught up again, other people won't help you. Now follow me or you can be left down here with the infected". He quickly got up and follow me to the steps. Once we were all in the stairwell I closed the door and pushed the chairs back up against it. His dog started up the stairs before us and then we followed. "So if I may ask, what's your name? This is chica and I'm Mark". I looked at him as we made our way up the stairs "You don't need to know my name. Knowing names get's people attached, and you're out of here as soon as these infected clear out" I spoke out firmly. Once we made it up the steps I pushed open the door and we all walked through it. He helped me push the couches and beds back against it as he asked me "Do you not know?"-- "Do I not know what?" He looked at me a little concerned before speaking "About the hoard? It's headed this way".

Apocalypse (MarkiplierxReader)Where stories live. Discover now