Welcome Back

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My skin crawled at the sound of his voice. His boots against the concrete floor was the only thing that could be heard for a few seconds. I looked over at him with a blank face. Looks like Aleks had changed too. His once brown hair was an icey blonde, it looks as though he had more janky tattoo's added to his sleeve, and he looks taller but it could just be the fact that I'm sitting down. As Aleks approached us James stood up tall and firm. Looks like he has gained some control of this group and Aleks back. Although Aleks made a lot of decisions around here James was the Alpha boss. He made final calls on big decisions, he made sure everyone in his camp had tasks to do and food to eat, he was an excellent fighter and a damn near excellent leader, and the reason I think him and Aleks clashed to much is the fact that James always gets what he wants. I looked Aleks up and down as he approached us. Once he was a good foot away from me he had stopped. "I'm glad that you chose to come back doll face, we've missed you" he slickly spoke to me. I chuckled a little before looking up at him. He held a smug grin that I wanted to slap off of his face. A smirk pulled at my lips as I replied "Of course you missed me... I'm the only person here who wont listen to your bullshit rules...You missed this challenge huh?". I could hear James lightly chuckle beside me. Aleks still held his grin as he let out a small chuckle of his own. My eyes studied him closely as he moved his hand forward. His fingers lightly slid over my chin as he crouched down in front of me. "Now, James here doesn't know what to do with you yet. So for now you have two options as a punishment for trying to kill all of us and leaving" He spoke with a hidden agenda. "You can start back in a maid position, you know the usual cleaning after us and such. The other option is for you to join the fun girls, but as you know that's not really a job you want to get into.. The men here are so..... shall I say savage when it comes to those girls" He chuckled at the end of his sentence. Was he fucking serious right now? I laughed a little to myself before looking him in the face and smiling "Do you think I'm really going to go from one of the most important people here to a maid or fun girl? You must be chugging cock if you think that's gonna happen" I laughed out. Aleks' fingers lightly slid down to my throat "Oh I'm not joking with you Doll Face......Choose" He looked at me seriously as he slowly pulled his shades off of his face. I scoffed a little before turning to face James "You really gonna put your trophy prize in with the maids?" I asked him. He sighed a little "Aleks this is NOT what we talked about. Y/N is still my right hand, I'm not pissing off the cure to humanity.. can't have her running off again" He spoke out seriously. So it seems that James still has a little bit of ball left. Aleks groaned before standing and facing James "She tried to kill us!"-- " No she tried to kill you" James responded calmly. This is the EXACT reason that Aleks shouldn't be a leader... his temper was out of control."You know what? when she turns on us again I'll blame you first" Aleks angrily hissed through his teeth before turning to me "Looks like master saved you again" He spitefully spoke to me. I smirked up at him before leaning forward and spitting at his feet "Looks like Master saved YOU.......Doll Face" I leaned back in the chair and chuckled. Aleks looked at me angrily before cracking his neck and turning, walking out of the dark room.

The room was silent for a second after he left until James cleared his throat. I looked up at him to find him staring down at me. I can't lie, the man still looks good. He moved forward before slowly kneeling down in front of me. I never broke eye contact with him, he needed to know that he didn't scare me. "The only reason you're not dead is because of that bite Y/N. So let me just say.. if you ever cross me again I will NOT show you any weakness.. do you understand me?" He asked me seriously. If only he knew how sexy it was when he threatened me, it never scares me. I smiled at him "James...baby, the only reason that I'm not dead is because you love me, and the only reason you're not dead is because you are one of the lucky few people on this earth that I don't Loath... So if you ever cross me again I WILL kill you next time... Now untie me" I slickly replied. We stared dead at each other for a short while before a smile pulled at James's lips "I missed you" he chuckled out as he slowly stood back up. "I haven't missed you" I said blankly. He laughed a little as he unlatched my hands from the leather straps. "You know its your personality that made me like you in the first place right?" He asked me. I sighed a little as my left hand was released from the straps "Where are you gonna take me?" I blankly changed the subject. He unlatched my other hand and moved to my feet "Well first I'm taking you to my room"-- "James if you even THINK that I'm gonna..." He cut me off before I could finish. "AND THEN I'm gonna get your ass some food" He continued to speak. Once he finally had gotten my legs in hooked i was able to stretch. Once I stretched out I stood up slowly. As I turned James held his hand out for me. "Take me to my room" I said while ignoring his hand. He just chuckled before shaking his head and opening the door for me to step out. Once I stepped out into the hall I knew exactly where I was. We were in the basement of the main building. There was an exit down here, somewhere in the storage room. I knew I had to make a right to get to the storage room but I had to follow James and make the left down the hall. As we walked down the hall James started to speak to me. "Now I know we left on a bad note but you are still my right hand. Everyone else may take some time to adjust to that but just keep them in line and there should be no problem" He calmly spoke to me. I just cracked my neck and nodded, I already knew how to keep everyone in line. As we walked down the hall we passed one of the rooms in this building that I hated...The 'Fun Girls' room. My eyes never left the door as we passed the room, I was gonna say something about the room again but this time I was gonna be heard.

Apocalypse (MarkiplierxReader)Where stories live. Discover now