Leaving Mars

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"Illusive man?" Liara asked, slowly putting her gun away.

The Illusive Man was behind them via a holo call pad. "Fascinating race, the Protheans. They left all this for us to discover, but we've squandered it. The Alliance has known about the Archives for more than 30 years, and what have they done with it?"

"What do you want?" Shelby asked, wanting him to get to his point.

The Illusive Man looked up the beacon. "What I've always wanted.... The data in these artifacts holds the key to solving the Reaper threat."

"I've seen your solution -- your people are turned into monsters."

"Hardly. They're being improved."

"Improved?" Shelby was almost insulted by the Illusive Man's calm attitude to what was happening to his troops.

"That's what separates us, Shepard: where you see a means to destroy, I see a way to control -- to dominate and harness the Reapers' power. Imagine how strong Humanity would be if we controlled them."

"With that data, I'll rid the galaxy of those machines once and for all." Shelby stated.

"Your vision is pathetically limited. You were a tool, an agent with a singular purpose. And despite our differences, you were realitivly successful. But like the rest of the relics in this place, your time is over."

"Is that supposed to hurt my feelings? Because it's a really pathetic attempt." Shelby sassed him before turning to Liara for a second. "Liara." Shelby said and Liara went to the console to look for the data.

"Don't interfere with my plans, Shepard. I won't warn you again." The Illusive Man said and pointed his cigarette at her.

'Ohh oh oh oh, I'm gonna interfere with all of 'em, you bastard.'
"Go to hell." Shelby spit out at him.

"Shelby!" Liara called out.


"The data, it's not here!"

The Illusive Man smirked when he heard that and walked away, ending the call.

"It's being erased." Liara continued.

"Damn it. How's he doing it?"

"It's local, someone's uploading the information."

"Shit." Shelby stated as Kaidan had found his way around to a little alcove area with Dr. Eva.

"Hey! Step away from the console!" He ordered her.

She stopped what she was doing then looked over her shoulder.

"Now!" Kaidan continued and started to approach her.

Dr. Eva retaliated, round house kicking Kaidan in the side hard enough to knock him over. Dr. Eva quickly jammed her omni tool into the console and took off.

"She's got the data!" Kaidan called out over their personal radio channels as he was getting off the ground.

Shelby and Liara threw their helmets back on and darted after her.

"She's faster than she looks." Liara stated as Kaidan caught up.

"Stay close. We can't loose her!" Shelby stated as she took the lead and keept the Doctor within her sights as they all chased after her.

"James? You read me?" Shelby tried to call through the radio as they came outside.

Whatever James said back came out as static, but Shelby assumed he could hear enough of her to get the message. "Cerberus has the data." She updated him.

Static came through, scrambling Vega's voice.

"Radio the Normandy. Get them down here now!" She ordered as she climbed a couple ladders to the roof, right on Dr. Eva's tail.

Shelby wasn't even a quarter of the way across the roof when a Cerberus shuttle came down, and let the Doctor in.

"She's getting away!" Shelby exclaimed. "Damnit! James! Normandy! Anybody!" Shelby despratly called out as the Cerberus shuttle took off right in front of Shelby.

Right on cue, Vega came charging in with their blue Alliance shuttle, and crashed the Cerberus one back down to the roof.

"Move!!" Shelby yelled as the Cerberus shuttle came towards her, Kaidan and Liara. They all got just far enough away to avoid any significant injury as it crashed onto the roof.

Shelby got up and checked on Kaidan who gave her a raised hand to show he was okay as he got up to help Liara. Shelby flagged down James, getting him to land the shuttle.

"Normandy's en route. They'll be here soon." Vega said as he stepped out of the shuttle.

"We need the data." Liara stated as Kaidan was helping her back to the shuttle.

Suddenly they heard a banging coming from the downed Cerberus shuttle. Two more bangs and a panel flew out from the shuttle, revealing a smooth robotic frame that couldn't have been anyone else but Dr. Eva. Kaidan pushed Liara away from him as he pulled her pistol and pointed it at Dr. Eva. She came running at him at full speed, and Kaidan shot at her clear up until she grabbed him by the front of his helmet, and let him hang.

"KAIDAN!" Shelby exclaimed in concern as she rounded the corner of their shuttle, readying her pistol. "Let him go!" A clearly pissed Shelby ordered the doctor.

"Orders?" Dr. Eva asked over her radio.

"Dispose of him." Dr. Eva was told before she turned around and started beating Kaidan against the burning shuttle.

"NO!" Shelby exclaimed and readied her shot for the Doctor who turned around when she heard Shelby yell.

Dr. Eva darted at Shelby, who fired one fatal round to the head of the Doctor's metal body. Once the machine fell to the ground, Shelby put away her gun, her eyes widening as she saw Kaidan laying unconcious.

"Vega, grab that thing. Bring it with us." She ordered as she passed by the metal corpse, running to Kaidan.

"Shepard, we've got Reaper signatures in orbit!" Joker stated over the comm as Shelby hoisted Kaidan over her shoulders.

The Normandy came down and opened the door to the cargo bay, letting everyone scurry onboard as the Reapers landed on Mars.

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