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After dinner, everyone went back to Quinn's apartment for a short while. Some of them had work the next day, and Beth had school, so Quinn didn't want it to be a late night.

"I'm gonna tuck Beth in." Quinn said softly as she picked up the sleeping blonde from the couch.

"We're gonna head out." Jake decided as he hugged Quinn before hugging Puck. "Thanks for tonight."

"Safe home." Puck said. "Bye, Mary, it was nice seeing you."

"You, too, Nathan." Marley responded.

"Noah." Puck corrected her.

"Marley." Marley said.

Quinn hugged Marley. "When I get to New York, we're hanging out."

Marley nodded when they parted. "I'm in Lima for the summer, but I'll take the train in."

"You can stay over." Quinn offered.

"I'd love that." Marley smiled.

Quinn smiled back as the brunette left with Jake.

"We should go, too." Kurt said as he nudged Dave. "Finn?"

"Alright." Finn frowned. "Beth's gonna be disappointed when she wakes up and I'm not here."

"Bye, Finny." Beth mumbled.

Finn looked at the small blonde. She opened her eyes and waved at him sleepily.

"Santana, Brittany, need a ride back to New York?" Rachel asked.

Santana nodded. "We took the train, so sure. Thanks."

The rest of the adults said their goodbyes before leaving.

"Bed." Quinn said to Beth as she carried her inside while Puck locked up the apartment.

Quinn put Beth in her bed and kissed her forehead. "Did you have a good birthday, B?"

Beth nodded. "Thank you for the bike, Mommy. And the decorations and the dinner. You looked so pretty today."

"Thank you, baby." Quinn smiled. "Sweet dreams. Love you."

"Love you, too." Beth responded.

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