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When they got to the concert, they went to the ticket booth to pick up their tickets.

Everyone handed in their IDs and claimed them when they got their tickets. Quinn obviously didn't have ID for Beth and the old lady in the ticket booth was giving her a hard time.

"You guys can go to the seats." Quinn said. "I'll text Puck."

"We'll wait for you." Rachel replied. "Artie, why don't you guys go sit?"

Artie nodded. "You heard the woman, Wilde. Let's go."

Before Artie and the others left the group to go sit, Puck approached them.

"Hey, baby mama. Hey, guys. Thanks for coming." Puck smiled as he put his arm around Quinn. "Artie, there's a ramp, and I got you guys a section with wheelchair accessibility."

"Thanks, man." Artie said as he and Puck fist-bumped.

"Jake and his girlfriend are there already." Puck added.

"Did your sister come?" Mike wondered.

Puck nodded. "Sarah's there, too."

"Let's go in." Sam said. "Good luck, man."

"Thanks." Puck smiled.

"Break a leg, Noah." Rachel grinned as she and Finn walked away.

Everyone went in except Quinn, Beth, Santana, Brittany, and Ariana.

"My favorite former Cheerios." Puck licked his lips as he looked from Santana to Brittany to Quinn.

"Easy." Quinn elbowed him. "Your daughter's here."

Puck nodded and stuck his hand out to Ariana. "Since my girlfriend apparently sucks at introductions, I'm Noah Puckerman."

"Ariana King." Ariana smiled as she shook Puck's hand. "Nice to finally meet you."

"You, too. I hope you enjoy the show." Puck replied.

Ariana nodded. "Thanks for getting me a ticket."

"Anytime." Puck said as he picked Beth up. "Q, let's go get Monkeyface her ticket so I can go back to my man cave."

"Good luck, Puck!" Brittany exclaimed.

"Don't mess up." Santana added with a wink as she walked away with Brittany and Ariana.

Puck carried Beth to the ticket booth and smiled at the woman working it. "Hi, Mandy."

"Hi, Noah. Good luck tonight." The old woman smiled back. "I'm gonna miss watching you perform and seeing you around here."

"I appreciate that. Thank you." Puck responded as he lightly pulled Quinn next to him. "This is my daughter, Beth, and my girlfriend, Quinn."

"Nice to meet you." Mandy said.

Quinn nodded.

"I left their tickets up here and Quinn didn't get Beth's when she showed her ID." Puck explained.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Mandy apologized. "Is it one of the front row section A tickets?"

Puck nodded. "Yeah. I had a whole stack of them there that some of my other friends picked up."

"Here it is." Mandy said as she handed Puck the ticket. "I'm so sorry."

"That's okay." Puck told her. "Have a good night."

"Have a good show!" Mandy exclaimed as Puck, Quinn, and Beth walked away.

"Alright." Puck said as he handed Quinn the ticket. "I gotta go back and you two need to go inside."

Quinn nodded as Puck put Beth down.

"See you later, Beth." Puck smiled as he knelt down to Beth's level. "Enjoy the show, okay?"

"Okay. Good luck, Daddy. Love you." Beth replied.

"Love you, too." Puck said as he tapped his finger on his cheek. "Can I have a kiss?"

Beth kissed Puck's cheek and hugged him. When they parted, Puck stood up.

"Good luck." Quinn smiled. "You'll be great."

"Thank you." Puck smiled back. "Enjoy the show. And thanks for coming."

"I wouldn't miss your last show for the world." Quinn told him. "I'm so proud of you."

Puck pulled Quinn closer and kissed her.

"I love you, babe."

"I love you."

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