part 32

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Diane POV****

We saw Matt, Nash, my brother and our cousins in a FroYo place. Marvin was with his girlfriend Ivy. There were other girls there too. My Matt looked uncomfortable sitting near those girls, GOOD. If i see a girl on MY man i would have gone up there and stab someone, I'm pretty sure Roxy would have done that for me too.

Once i saw Nash's arm around that girl, I looked at Roxy she had jealousy and hurt in her eyes. We both decided to not say hi to them, I know Roxy didn't want to get into another fight with Nash. I didn't want her to either. They just made up two days ago and they had a great date yesterday. If Nash is really playing games with Roxy i will fucking chop his balls off.

We went to Starbucks and ordered our drinks and sat down when we got them.

"Look, Roxy i'm sure that girl is just a fan" I was assuring her, trying to make her feel better.

"yeah" she said with no effort.

Roxy POV*****

I know Diane was trying to make me feel better, and I love her for that. The thing is, the last time it was a "fan" they were making out. I just didn't know what to believe right now. If Nash is playing a game, he's winning..., He's winning a game that I don't really want to play.

"What if I just call him?" I asked Diane "Just to ask him where he is and see if he tells the truth?"

"Do it" Diane agreed. Mary was busy texting her boyfriend. Yes, she's 12 and she has a boyfriend, let her be.

Diane and I walked to get a view of the boys who were still with the girls. Mary was close behind us. I called Nash, I saw him grab his phone look at the screen and ignore it. It actually hurt me to be honest.

"Try again" Diane demanded. I called and this time Nash answered it.

"Hello?" Nash said.

"Hey, can i ask where you are?"

"Um, the movies" he answered.

"How did you get around?" i asked

"We rented a car"

"oh, who are you with?" i asked

"Matt and your cousins" he said.

"That's it?"

"Yeah. Why?" he said sounding confused.

"just my cousin and Matt?" i asked.

"yes... why?" he asked again

"Nothing bye" i hung up and i was pretty mad.

Why would he even lie. If he's just telling me that he likes me just because he knows that i like him he could stop. I don't want him to pretend that he likes me in that type of way. He didn't even have to take me on that last night if he's gonna be with another girl the next day.

"What happened?" Diane asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"He lied"

"What did he say?"

"apparently, he's at the movies with ONLY Matt and Marvin, Mervin and Calvin" i answered with a mad tone.

"What a fucking-" before she finished i completed her sentence


"Let's just go home" Diane told me. I nodded and we headed to my car and drove off. It was already 5 in the afternoon when we got back to my house. I went up stairs to set down everything I just bought. I was thinking and thinking and I just need to go and relax. I went down stairs to see Diane and Mary already watching TV.

Jerk | Nash GrierHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin