part 81

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Diane POV****

I woke up about 9 PM after the all nighter. Roxy was still dead asleep. I grabbed the camera, went downstairs and grabbed the whip cream and another little surprise. I started recording downstairs.

"hey guys, Roxy and I had an all nighter and fell asleep around 6 in the morning and it's" i looked the wall clock for the time "9:45 at night, but Roxy is still dead asleep and I'm pulling a prank on her" i walked upstairs to see she was still sleeping but her body was now taking over the couch with her left leg on top of the couch and a pillow on her stomach. I pointed the camera at her the whole time and put whipped cream all over her face and she didn't even wake up. I got a piace of my hair and tickled the side of her face and she slapped her self and the whipped cream went everywhere and she woke up.

"What the fuck" she said getting up with her sleep voice wiping her face. I grabbed the surprise, which was a full pickled and held it near her face laughing. "DIANE I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU" she yelled and i still laughed i got it closer to her face, she slapped my hand and I dropped the pickle on the floor and she kicked my stomach, but not too hard and I fell on the floor with the camera. I was just started laughing the whole time. I still had the camera and she started to attack me with a pillow with some whipped cream still on her face. The camera was facing her the whole time, she kept hitting me while I was laughing and then she started to laugh with me because my laugh was contagous. She kicked my vagina and it actually hurt.

"FUCKING CUNT" i still couldn't stop laughing.

"NEVER PUT A PICKLE NEXT TO ME" she yelled "I'm gonna get you back" she told me and fear grew. She could do anything while I'm sleeping.

"IM SORRY, NO, PLE-" i tried apologizing

"HA HA FUCK YOU VAGINA HAIR" we started laughing because she just called me "vagina hair"

"i'm gonna go shower, because some bitch decided to put this all over me" she said pointing at her face. She went into the room and left the door open since she can just lock her bathroom door. I got everything on camera and I opened her laptop and imported it and edited it in. Yeah, i know her password for her laptop. Her password is like a fucking paragraph to a book. She came out of her room in 45 minutes showered and changed. I showed her what I edited in and she like it. I saved it and turned off her laptop.

"i'm hungry" i told her "let's go get food" she nodded her head and we went into her car and went to get Taco Bell in the drive thru. We got back to her house with 5 burritos and 5 tacos each and baja blast freezes.

Roxy POV*****

After all of that happened I realized that I didn't have my phone and niether did Diane. We looked all over for it and thirty minutes later we found it under the couch we slept on. Before we even checked it there was a doorbell at the door. I opened it and it was Mahogany and Cameron.

"heeeey" Diane said

"what are you doing here" i asked

"thank god you guys are okay" Cameron told us

"what are you talking about" Diane asked

"Nash and Matt called the both of us to check if you were home" Mahogany told us

"why" i asked

"they thought something bad happened to both of you" Cameron said

"why would they think that" Diane asked our eyebrows lifted

"you both didn't update twitter or anything in over 24 hours, they tried calling and texting you over a million times" Mahogany said "everyone tried calling you, but you guys never answered"

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