part 61

959 11 0

Roxy POV*****

It was getting late and my aunts , uncles and grandparents wanted to go home and get some rest.

"i don't wanna go home" Mary whispered to all of us teens so the adults wouldn't hear.

"ask mommy if we could sleep over" Calvin told her

"you ask" Mary said back

"go Mary i don't wanna go home either" Diane told her.

"Mervin go tell mom that we're gonna sleep here until school starts" Marvin said

"okay" Mervin said and ran off to his mom. He came back quickly after "She said okay" Mervin told him.

"i don't wanna go home" Mary complained

"then go ask mom stupid" Diane pointed at their mom that wasn't looking at us.

"Fine" Mary said getting up and going to her parents. She came back in five minutes smiling

"what happened?" i asked her

"she said we could sleep here until we go back to school too" Mary cheered and screamed with excitment. She screamed like she was gonna go to a 1D concert or something. Their parents must really be in a good mood or they just wanna have some "alone time" if you know what i mean. My aunts Eve and Ronda came to us.

"When does school start?" my aunt Ronda asked

"the end of the month mommy" Calvin answered. They nodded their heads.

"we're gonna go home now Marvin and Mervin" my aunt Eve told them she kissed them on the cheeks and she left.

"me and your dad are going too" my aunt Ronda said to Diane, Mary and Calvin. They nodded their heads and kissed and hugged their parents.

Marvin and Mervin said goodbye like they wouldn't see their mom in three months again when they just live 4 blocks away from my house. So did Diane and her siblings, and they only live 6 blocks away. Soon after my grandparents, uncle Mason, and uncle Mike (Mervin and Marvins dad) left to their house since they live together. My uncle Rey and aunt Tarisa left earlier with Diane's parents because they were neighbors.

After everyone left it was only us teens and my mom and brother. My brother soon left to hang out at his girlfriends house because they haven't seen eachother in a while. My mom was upstairs in her room sleeping because she was tired from the flights and everything. The rest of us where in the game room playing games. Marvin put on COD and he handed me a controller and asked if i wanted to play.

"i can't play right because this is on me" i said pointing at my wrist.

"just put the controller on the table and play like that" Diane told me I did and I got third place because do you know how hard it is playing with a cast. Matt and Diane were able to be their couply selves again since everyone was gone. We heard the front door open and two voices. It was my older brother and his girlfriend and he automatically came inside the game room.

"you guys are dating?" My brother asked Diane and Matt because his arm was around her.

"No" Diane said as Matt quickly removed his hand

"don't lie" my brother laughed at her

"don't tell anyone, only your mom knows" Diane told her "don't even say anything about us online because fans don't know"

"fans don't know?" my brother asked

"they don't even know about mine and Nash's relationship" I told my brother

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