part 58

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Nash POV*****

I knew it was her. She was sitting there alone with a blanket around her. She was looking straight ahead, I walked quietly closer to her from behind and I heard her sigh and she she was sniffling from crying. I didn't know what to do. Do I talk to her or do I leave her alone. What if she wants nothing to with me now.

"Roxy?" I said and she didn't bother to turn around she knew my voice so she just put her head down and I heard her cry more and it made me cry. "Roxy please don't ignore me"

"why should i listen to you, all you did earlier was ignore me and you didn't even take the time to listen to me" she said quietly.

"that was a mistake, i just like you so much Roxy" i told her

"you always say that Nash, it can't always be your fucking stupid excuse" she told me and I put my head down.

"have you ever liked someone so much that you get jealous over everysingle person they would hang out with?" I asked her

"pretty much" she told me and i sat next to her and saw her broken wrist, well the cast.

"I'm so sorry about this Roxy, I didn't mean to cause this it was an accident" i felt terrible "the jealous and angry side got the best of me, i swear I didn't see your wrist on the door, you know i would never hurt you on purpose" i kept apologizing for her wrist.

"i know Nash, it's actually my fault for putting my arm there" she told me and she laughed at herself.

"are you still mad at me?" i asked her

"well do you trust me?" she asked me looking into my eyes.

"yes" i said assuring her

"i honestly would have been jealous too if I saw pictures of you with another girl roaming through the internent" she admitted "but, you have to understand that all these boys are just best friends, nothing more babe" I smiled so hard because she called me babe, meaning she's wasn't mad anymore.

"I know, I'm sorry" i told her

"do you know what time it is? my phone died" she told me

"it's 4:16 now" i looked at my phone "how did you even get here, i didn't see your car"

"i made Diane drop me off before she went back to my house" she told me "pretty stupid of me because how would i call her to pick me up if my phone died and you weren't here" she laughed at her self again,

"we should get going" i told her, she nodded her head and i helped her up. We started walking hand in hand. "wait" i said twirling her and immediately placing my lips on her, she giggled into the kiss. "i've honestly always wanted to do that" i told her

"do what?" she asked as we began to walk again.

"twirl my girlfriend into a kiss, it just seems cool it's on movies all the time"

"i've always wanted a boyfriend like this" she smiled at me

"you have one sooooo" i told her and she giggled

"yeah i do, he's great" we got into my car and I started making my way to her house. "i'm hungry" she told me. We went to McDonalds since that was the only thing we could think of that had a 24/7 drive thru. We both got Big Macs and decided to share a sweet tea. We drove to her place and everyone was asleep. We sat in the livingroom, turned on the tv and started to eat.

"Can i borrow your phone to tweet?" she asked

"where's your phone?"

"it's dead remember" i handed her my phone. "can you put your passcode in?"

"0611" i told her casually.

"really?" she asked, i nodded my head and she put the password in "who puts the date they started dating a girl as their passcode?" she laughed

"i do" i said laughing

"I'm just kidding, that's my passcode too"

"you're lying" my accent came out.

"no seriously" she said in a serious tone "let me guess is your twitter password our ship name, then our date and time?" I looked at her with wide eyes "no fucking way" she said laughing "you're such a girl dude" she kept laughing until i kissed her lips.

"shut up" i said after

"i'm just kidding, that's actually cute babe" she said kissing me back. She finally tweeted.

@RoxyGall: you're just so amazing ☺️

It was a subtweet for me, she showed it to me and I favorited it.

We finished eating and we started to watch what ever was on the tv. We ended up falling asleep on the couch with my arm around her.

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