Part 40

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Roxy POV*****

"What do you guys wanna do?" Marvin asked us as we walked out of the hotel.

"I just wanna go eat first" Mary answered

"I'm starving" Calvin added.

"We wanna go eat" Mervin said like it wasn't already obvious.

"Let's go eat over there" Diane said pointing at a caffe across the street. We all nodded our heads in agreement and made our way over there. We all ordered heated cheese danishes and ham and cheese panini's with milk and cappuccino.

"why didn't Nash and Matt want to come" Mervin asked while we were shoving food in out mouths.

"Because they're not allowed to hold hands and kiss with them in public for a while" Marvin answered because he knew. Mervin nodded his head understanding.

"I don't really wanna walk around today!" Calvin said to us.

"Same here, my feet still hurt from yesterday" Mary said complaining.

"you guys just wanna go swimming today?" Diane asked

"i'm down, i need to relax" they all agreed with the idea. Once we were done eating we made our way back to the hotel, straight to the pool. We didn't even bother getting extra clothes or towels. We were already in basketball shorts so we decided if we wanted to swim we would just swim in that. It was already only 11 AM so not that many people were in the pool area. We practically had the area to ourselves. We took over, we were being obnoxious as hell. We were being the cousins we were.

"I need loud music!" I said. "Marvin did you bring your portable speakers or what ever you call it?" i asked

"yeah, why?"

"can you go get it?" he nodded his head and went to get it. he came back 10 minutes later with the speakers. We pumped up music singing along and dancing in our long deck chairs.

I got notifications on my phone saying that Nash and Matt posted the videos that we made. The views grew every time you refreshed. Diane, Marvin and I gained more and more followers each minute. We were freaking out about how fast our followers were going just because of a video we featured in.

"What were Nash and Matt doing?" Diane asked.

"They weren't even there" Marvin said still dancing to the music. We just shrugged like it didn't matter.

"Omg!" We heard a girl say. We all looked up and she was with another girl. "where's Nash and Matt?" she asked. Diane and I just shrugged our shoulders. "How can you not know where your boyfriends are?"

"they are not our boyfriends" Diane said acting annoyed.

"Why were you guys kissing and holding hands?" The girl asked.

"they were probably other people that looked like us" I said. It could be true because the pictures didn't reveal our faces much.

"you don't have to lie about you guys dating them"

"We aren't lying, we aren't dating them" I said acting annoyed. "we're just good friends"

"good friends don't kiss each other on the lips and hold hands" the other girl said.

"believe what you want, but we know that we aren't dating those guys" Diane said annoyed already because they didn't wanna leave us alone.

"okay sorry" the first girl said knowing that we were annoyed. Her and her friend walked away.

We swam for a while and tried to dry off in the sun. It took longer because we didn't have towels and the sun wasn't hot enough today. When it struck 3 we walked back to our suite half wet and we earned some stares from adults. We just freaked them out by staring back at them with wide eyes.

We took showers again getting the pool water off of us. We put on lazy day clothes again because we wanted to go eat out.

We went to the closest McDonald's and spent four hours in there eating, talking and messing around in the playground. We only stopped because the workers said that we were too big to be in it and we might trample on kids. You had to be 13 years or under to play in there. So practically Marvin, Diane and I were the only ones asked to stop playing in there. When we left McDonalds it was kind of dark outside already. I was still wondering where Nash was because he hasn't even texted me or called since we left him in the hotel with Matt.

"Diane? Has Matt texted or called you today?" I asked being curious.

"No, has Nash?"

"Nope, I'll call him right now" I said dialing his number that I memorized. He didn't pick up so i texted him. "Try calling Matt" Diane called him but he didn't answer either. We just headed back to the hotel.

We opened the door and on the left you can see Nash holding a bouquet of flowers and a small box. Looking to the right Matt was also holding flowers and a small box. Diane and I looked confused and my cousins were just watching us. We closed the door behind us and walked forward. Nash began walking to me and Matt walked over to Diane.

"Since you guys were out" Matt said

"We decided to go out and do a little shopping" Nash finished. Nash handed me the flowers and Matt handed Diane hers. The thing i was waiting for was what was in the boxes.

Nash soon opened the box the same time as Matt did for Diane. They gave us smiles and waited for our reaction.

"OH MY GOSH" i yelled grabbing the heart charm silver sterling bracelet that Nash held out for me.

"I LOVE IT!" Diane yelled holding the same type of bracelet. The only difference was that mine had


June 11, 2014

4:27 AM

engraved in it. Diane's one had


May 16, 2014

8:38 PM

This is like what every couple does, it's over used but I actually found it cute and romantic.

"What's this for?" Diane asked.

"Happy 1 month babe" Matt said

"OH MY GOSH, TODAY'S THE 16TH? I THOUGHT TOMORROW WAS!" Diane yelled because she lost track of the date. "I'M SO SORRY BABE!" she apologized.

"It's okay, you got a lot of things on your mind because of what's happening right now" Matt said. They ended up making out while Nash and I said Happy Anniversary to both of them. They said thank you in between their session.

I looked up at Nash. "What's this for?" I asked him because it wasn't even our anniversary yet.

"Just because" Nash shrugged him shoulders "I thought you deserved it"

I gave him a sweet smile. "Thanks Babe" i said still smiling. He slowly pulled me by my waist and started to miss me.

"can you guys take it to the room?" Marvin said to all of us because there were two couples having a make out session in front of preeteens and Marvin. I pulled out laughing. Diane and Matt eventually stopped.

"Diane and Matt can take our room tonight so Nash and Roxy can have a room to them selves too" Mervin said joking. I gave him a death glare and threw a pillow at his face, he still couldn't stop laughing with Mary, Calvin and Marvin. We soon joined in laughing with them because their laughs were contagious.

We ended the night with cuddles, kisses, movies and laughs.

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