part 105

471 11 1

Roxy POV*****

"I'm not tired yet" i told him and turned my head to look at him

"so you wanna ha-"

"NO" i told him and he started to chuckle

"wanna go out"

"to where"

"let's go to Walmart and think about what to do there" he laughed

"lets go" i stood up off of my bed and Nash followed me. "you're driving" he grabbed his car keys and we walked downstairs to see Matt and Diane.

"you guys wanna come" Nash asked them

"where" Diane asked


"for what" Matt asked

"just to figure out what to do" i answered. Diane and Matt stood up and agreed to come. We got inside Nash's car and the other two sat in the back. I turned on the radio and put in a CD and pumped up the music. The streets were almost empty from cars. We opened the windows a bit for the fresh air. I changed the music until I found She Looks So Perfect by 5SOS. Diane and I started sing along to the hey's but Nash turned off the radio as soon as Luke started to sing.

"HEEY" i complained

"THANK YOU" Matt told Nash

"you guys are just jealous because we said Calum was cute" Diane brought up

"no no no no Luke is cuter" i disagreed

"you have a boyfriend Roxy" Nash told me

"you have a boyfriend too Diane" Matt joined

"we're just saying they're cute okay, like fangirls, guys calm down" i explained to both of them and turned the radio back on but Nash turned it off again. "babe" i complained

"i hate that song" Matt told us

"bitch please, you made a vine lip syncing to it" I told him. Diane and Nash laughed because it was true. I turned on the radio again and Nash just ejected the CD and threw it out of the window. "what the hell Nash"

"it was an accident" Nash chuckld but i rolled my eyes at him

"that was my favorite CD fucker" i told him

"you're fucked up Nash" Diane spoke. Nash played my other CD that didn't have the song and we listened to it the whole ride to Walmart. When we finally got there. Diane and Matt went their own way inside Walmart and I went my own way with Nash following me. I actually loved that CD he threw out because It had other songs in there, songs that Nash and I loved and always sang along to together. I kept walking and went into the girls restroom. Nobody really knows this but I consider that like "our" CD , probably sounds stupid to you but I don't care.

Nash POV****

I think Roxy was kind of mad at me for throwing that CD out. She went into the girls restroom and I waited for her outside. Diane and Matt came walking towards me.

"where's Roxy" Diane asked

"restoom, i think she's mad at me"

"why" Matt asked

"for throwing out that CD" i answered

"i think she is, because she said that was one of her favorite CD's and there's probably a reason for that" Diane told me and went into the bathroom. Diane came back outside of the restroom.

"what did she say" i asked her

"oh you wanted me to ask her if she was mad, i went to go pee dude" she told me and went back in the restroom. She came back 5 minutes laters and she told me that she was kind of mad, but sad at the same time because that was her favorite CD to listen to with me. She practically called it our CD but never told me that. Matt and Diane went back to walking around and Roxy came back outside and grabbed my hand like nothing happened.

"i'm sorry babe, i didn't know" i told her "don't be mad"

"no, it's okay i'm not mad" she smiled at me but I knew she was lying. "i can just make a new one"

"are you sure you're not mad"

"i'm sure Nash, it's okay" she smiled and she kissed me. "babe i know what we could do" she pulled me to get a cart. She stood on the end of the cart from where you push and I was behind her with my arms on her side while I pushed the cart, she was just being pushed with the cart.

"where to" i asked her

"the candy section" she told me

I pushed the cart there and she got off the cart and started to get candy and throw it into the cart, she got butter cups, different flavors of M&M's, gummies, chocolates and more. She looked at the cart.

"perfect" she said with an almost evil crazy voice, then she giggled.

"what's all this for" i asked her.

"wait we need more" she told me "go to the cookie section" she said standing on the cart again. I took her there and she got oreos, chocolate chip and everything.

"what is this for babe" i asked her again

"we need whip cream, go" she told me again ignoring my question and we went to get three cans and went to find Diane and Matt. We found them riding the the long boards in the sections avoiding the workers. As soon as Diane saw the cart she was excited.


"done what, what is it for" i asked and none of them answered they just went to pay. We got back in my car and drove to her house.

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