Chapter 12 (Virgil)

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 I sighed happily after returning to my room. I had spent all day with Roman watching Disney movies and it was the best. But as much as I loved hanging with him, I don't know if he knows that I like him as more than a friend. I realized that I would have to try and flirt with him if I could. The next day, I got up early to catch Roman at breakfast.

"Hey Roman," I said. He looked up and blushed a little. I noticed this with a smile.

"Greetings, Anxiety! It's a surprise to see you up at this hour!" He told me.

"Well, I wanted to eat breakfast with you," I said, as I dug around in the cabinet looking for my favorite cereal, Coco Puffs. Roman sat down with his favorite cereal (Froot Loops) and we ate. Patton and Logan came in and Patton snickered. I turned and shot him a glare.

"What's so funny?" I asked, although I had a pretty good idea of what his answer was.

"You two eating breakfast together!" He said, his answer exactly as I'd predicted. "It's so adorable!" Patton squealed.

"Yes it is quite.." Logan paused, taking out a note card. He peered at it, then said "...cute. Is that correct?" Roman chuckled as Patton informed him that "cute" is a good word for it. I rolled my eyes at the comments, blushing slightly.

"So are guys gonna eat or what?" I retorted. Patton busied himself with his Lucky Charms, and Logan got Raisin Bran. We all ate together and joked around. We all finished, and Patton and Logan put the bowls in the sink, and left. Roman and I sat down on the couch, and I couldn't help but be reminded of our first meeting. We had sat here on the same couch. It had only been a few months, but so much had changed. Roman put on a movie and we watched together. I got this far from just a little flirting, I wondered what would happen if I asked him out. I began to work up the courage over the next few days. One day, Roman went to the store and while he was gone I pep-talked myself into finally asking him. I was going to ask Roman on a date. I only hoped that it would go well.

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