Chapter 17 (Virgil)

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I stared up at the ceiling as the night shadows creeped across the ceiling. I rolled over in my bed, dissatisfied. I shifted again and let out another sigh. Sleep simply wouldn't come. Every time my eyes drifted shut, night's demons would haunt me forcing me to snap my eyes open. It was childish to be scared of the dark, I know. But I was terrified of it all the same. I usually had a small nightlight, but the bulb had burnt out and I didn't have the energy to go out and buy a new one. I tossed and turned, and tried with all I might to fall asleep. I eventually did, but my dreams were haunted with the same recurring nightmare...


Thick white tendrils of fog reached for me as I tore through the clouds. The mist was so damp and thick that I could hardly breathe, let alone see. I ran blindly, not quite knowing what was behind me, but knowing enough that whatever it was, it was dangerous. Suddenly the fog cleared, and the Thing crept up on me. I spun to face it and gasped as it's body contorted. With a crack of it's bones, it split into three beings. I squinted in confusion, the beings looked so familiar. Recognition quickly dawned as I took in their appearances. One had a pale grey cardigan, one wore a dark blue necktie, and the other was bedecked in a scarlet red sash. It was my friends, but they didn't look like it. "Logan" held out my purple sweater to me, beckoning for me to take it.

"Come to us Virgil," they said in a unison, robotic voice. A jolt of fear ran through me when they said my real name. No one knew about it, not even the other sides. "COME," they said again, inching ever nearer to me. I backed away from them until I couldn't. Behind me was a cliff drop, and below almost certain death. But the things kept coming closer and closer. With a scream, I turned and jumped off. I fell through the air. Falling, falling, falling...


I was being roughly shaken awake. I was so surprised I almost fell out of my bed. Looking up, I saw Roman looming over me, a boyish grin on his face. Seeing him brought back painful memories of our most recent encounter, even if it was 3 weeks, 4 days, and 5 hours ago (yes I'd been keeping count).

"Hey Anxiety," he said softly. I pushed him off, angry at him for invading my privacy, but more angry at the fact that he had the nerve to come see me.

"What do you want? And how did you get in?" I asked him forcefully. A flash of hurt crossed his face, but in a second it was gone.

"I just wanted to see you! And I'm not sure, I just, came in," he replied, far too cheerful. It was then that I realized something. Roman wasn't upset at all. He was bouncy and happy, while I felt like a raging dumpster fire. With a growl, I forced him out of my room. That had confirmed my suspicions: Roman didn't like me in the least. If he had, wouldn't he have been upset? While I had been practically starving myself for weeks to avoid contact with him, he had been out having a grand old time. I was done trying to get something that would never belong to me. I was over silly crushes and feelings. The only person I should care about is Thomas. I was over Roman.

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