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[ E P I G R A P H ]

"There are three things that can't be tamed: Death, Love, and the Heart. Thus, we may accept to get our hearts crucified for the ones we love since it will be the only privilege we get to defy the fear of dying."

-Arthur Ishmael.

"We love as if we stand on a battlefield, risking it all, with the mythical thought that we can scare death away."

- Candace Haile.


The Ethiopians captured the city of Lakish, many Jews were seized into captivity and dragged away from Israel, their homeland. Unlike the King, Candace Haile, his beloved daughter, falls for the charm of one of the Jews' sons. As she fails to find a way to convince her father to make a covenant with the Jews in order for her lover to get accepted by their people, they decide to escape together, leaving the castle and her name as a Princess behind. When her plans risk turning against her, she has no choice but to break the rules. However, she isn't aware how treacherous that path is going to be. Their love is going to be a tedious journey as their choice draws a thin line between death and despair.

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