😱😨😰The Attempted Kidnap😰😨😱

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It was a quiet night. Yuno stayed up with Taro to talk about the kids. Yuno said '' Starting at a young age was good. Now we can watch our kids grow up and not get too old for them.'' Taro agreed. They soon after fell asleep. That's when the clock stuck 12 o'clock. The door slipped open. A man in black crept through the house. He crept to the kids' room. Marn and Adri awoke. They noticed him. They both hid under the cribs. The man took the kids. He left the room. That's when Marn and Adri speed at lightning to go bite the guy's leg. He yelped loud enough to awake Taro. Taro woke up and wondered what made the noise. Marn ran up to Taro while Adri tried fighting off the guy. Marn tugged at Taro's pajama pants. He followed the cat. Adri hissed. That's when Taro knew...Something was up. He ran to the kids' room. He saw empty cribs. That's when Adri and Adrien started crying out loud,'' WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!'' Taro ran for a knife. He shook Yuno. She woke up. They both ran to guard the exits. The guy went to the front door. He stood there. Taro had a full-on staring contest. Yuno went behind the masked-man. He didn't know she was there. He dropped the kids. Taro did a somersault towards the kids to get them. He caught both of them in time. He turned back wards facing his back against Taro. Then, he saw Yuno. She ran up to him and attempted to stab him. He dodged and kicked the knife out of Yuno's hand. Her face lit up with surprise.

 Her face lit up with surprise

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He kicked her back wards. Then, she did a flip forward,kicked him in the face,knocking him down. She put her foot on his chest ( THIS PART MAY BE TOO SCARY TO READ TO BE HONEST...SO IF YOU WATCHING THIS AT NIGHT AND YOU HAVE SCHOOL TOMORROW.....I'm sorry) and snapped his neck. There was no blood...she expected blood...She always kills,and theirs blood. She knew she was a new strategy. Taro put a lock on the all the doors including the windows. He put the babies back to sleep and the cats back in there cribs. ( Marn with Adrien and Adri with Mari ) Yuno and Taro later installed a alarm to the kids room and for the front door. ( Please I am upgrading the title, I have found a new way. My birthday is on January 27th and so is the twins'. So, the new title is '' My dad fell in love with a yandere.'' I will also be changing the ''about'' of the story so please go read it. But, of you already did and you are now reading this....WELCOME! I hope you enjoy these chapters I make :) I put lots of love and effort in these! Bye now! <3 )

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