ThanksGiving + 'Power'ful welcoming

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It's offically thanksgiving eve! 8:40 PM 22-NOV-2017. I'm really happy! I will be filled with food. Today was a half of a day at school! 4 HOURS OF SCHOOL!! I was happy, on the way to school i was listening to S.A.O. and Tokyo Ghoul and Chilled Cow.

It had turned to 12:30. It  was time to head down stairs. It turned to 1:40. We were supposed to leave a long time ago. I was sucking on a watermelon jolly rancher when we were called to the bus, I was on the bus. Jackson decided to sit next to me. His face red. He said sorry. But then, Hope sat across from him. Her hair tied back, freckles shining in the sun, and skirt higher then her knees. It was her first time on the bus. All the boys were eyes-opened on her. Jaw-dropped to the bottom of the bus floor. She blushed at the boys. Jackson glared at the boys. Every day on the bus, Hope got some thing that made her hotter, and hotter. She wore long knee-high socks and a really short skirt now. Her normal shirt was tucked into the skirt and her sweater covered on a little bit of her. Her sports bra was black, so it was easy to see even if you just glanced at her. Her hair was straight. Jackson was popular and so was Hope. Soon after, Mei and I were the victims of their bullying. They kept tormenting Mei just because her last name sounded like the word Burrito. They'd chant '' MEI BURRITO''and repeat it over and over to the point I said '' IT'S NOT BURRITO! YOU DIMWHITS! DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND SIMPLE WORDING?!'' They glared and said '' Erm... THIS WAS NEVER YOUR BISNESS ADRIANNA SO GO STICK YOUR NOSE IN SOMEBODY ELSE's STUFF!'' I rolled my eyes. At the end of school, Me and Mei got a note.

Dear Ugly Fat Pigs,

        We declare a fight tomorrow after school. At the empty parking lot. 


Your Living Nightmare , Hope and Jackson.

Oh we were ready. That night me and Mei worked our heads off. We sweatted like a furry cat on a hot summer day.We decided to take a job around the block 2 times each. We were in sweat shirts and sweat pants with out hair in buns.

 We were in sweat shirts and sweat pants with out hair in buns

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