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It was finally here! Thanksgivings! I was so happy. My mom and I made stuff. We were planning on going to somebody else's house to celebrate. Our uncles, cousins, aunts, and us would bring stuff. We'd pile it on the table , say our thanks.... ( I would obviously say '' I'm thankful for the food'' but i am feeling a good vibe today, so i intend to be nice.....i guess.....[my cat started chasing air and going wild i might have to like..end this chapter quickly before she starts ripping my clothes...]) I couldn't wait... My toes were cold.I hid in my blanket, laptop on playing piano music. I snatched out my note pad. I put on simple piano music.

I started to write lyrics:

Mystical Pianist

Oh dear pianist

lull me to sleep

your soft hands

press against the piano keys

Pull me within your grasp

I gasp

Where have you gone

Mr Pianist

The guardian Angel I have

For I have been hearing screams

in my dreams

the pain

the horror

i have no self esteem

so i will run on gasoline

Mr pianist

I have to wrote you

Hear me out

before i scream your name

my anger must tame

Mystical Pianist

Answer My Call

This horror

I know understand why you did this.....

Mystical Pianist

Are you.....


It can't be

How do i do

you ask...?

I don't know

Mystical Pianist

Have you any soul?

mystical pianist

are you inside me?

Mystical Pianist

answer me...

could this be


Mystical Pianist

I'm a rebel answer me


I'm here in you

just believe

if you believe in yourself

i'll come out

you will have the power

of a mystical pianist..


That day I couldn't stop thinking about the song.... I just...Wanted to write more. The music drew me to sleep. i was caught by a day night mare. I'm a mystical pianist.

At the moment ( BANG! ) Adrien ,'' Hey are you ready?'' He stared at me and said '' mom is making pancakes..... hurry up'' i said ''okay'' Marn jumped on my bed. he snuggled my arm and laid next to my design notebook as well as my note pad. i drew out a outfit...'' If i'm mystical and magical can i make my drawing...appear?''

All of a sudden a cold wind blew on it

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All of a sudden a cold wind blew on it. Then it appeared right in front of my eyes in a hanger.I slipped on long knee high stockings with the necklace, dress, and shoes. I was ready!

 I was ready!

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Mystical Pianist: Tales Of Red & Mystical PianistWhere stories live. Discover now