21. Maximoff Twins

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Scarlet Witch & Pietro

Scarlet Witch & Pietro

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You guys were triplets.
It was always you, Wanda, and Pietro.
But apparently the whole world hadn't gotten the memo yet. After Pietro died protecting the city of New York you went MIA for a month.

Your powers on the other hand did not. SHIELD had picked up a trail and tracked you down just in time for Pietro's memorial.

Now you were hiding behind a tree wearing your torn up leather jacket and black pants instead of traditional black dress.

You watched Wanda cry in front of your brother's grave, she broke down in front of every last Avenger there and it broke you to see her like that. But you had no idea what to do, you weren't exactly the poster child for safely dealing with emotional baggage.

Hell once things went South you were the first one to bolt. Before you could turn away and leave a masculine hand grabbed your wrist.
It was Captain America himself.

"Go Be with her, she needs you" you scoffed at his response.

"And say what exactly"

"Who said anything about talking" he looked up at her still crying form and then back at your broken down one "sometimes actions speak louder than words, kiddo"

Before you could come up with a witty enough response he pushed you forward causing everyone's attention to snap from her to you.
You awkwardly scratched you neck and went up to your sister face to face, only an inch separating you two.

"Hey sis" you smiled a pained smile as she engulfed you in a hug catching you by surprise.
You expected a slap, a punch, but certainly not a hug.

That's when you realized how devastating it was to have your sister hanging from your arms broken and lost and your brother dead in a grave 50 feet under.

You would catch up with everything that's happened since you've been gone.

That's how you guys ended up in a coffee shop that Steve recommended to you. The coffee shop was weird in itself, from the inside you swore you could see Deadpool dancing to All The Single Ladies. But the outside looked completely normal and every human looked completely oblivious to what was happening inside.

"How'd you find this place" your twin sister asked you as she went over the menu snapping you out of your trance.

"A friend recommend it to me..." you caught your pulsating heart in your throat. Damn this was harder than it should've been "Listen, sis I just wanted it to say that-"

"Save it, I know what you're gonna say" she looked up from her menu and with a smile gave it to the barista.

"You do?"

"Yeah, you're gonna say that you were sorry-then you're gonna leave again like you always do"

"No-Wanda sis I promise am stayin-"

"That's what you always say, why should I believe you now"

"Because I lost someone that I love with all my heart and am not about to lose you too" you looked at her as you hooked your hands with hers. Tears streamed down her face as she tightened her grip on you.

"Do you know what Pietro's last words were"


"In his last moments he said your name, over and over again. He asked for a sister that never loved him and left him-left us the instant she could. He asked for you and you never came. So forgive me sister if I don't accept your apology"

Should I make some for TVD and more for SPN? Lemme know💯❤️

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