27. Macimoff Twins. Part 3

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Maximoff Twins

Maximoff Twins

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Wanda paced in her room, anger clear in her eyes. She bit her fingernails as Vision tried to calm her down.

"Wanda am sure-" a knock on Wanda's door interrupted Vision's speech. He mustered up a confused expression as much as a machine could.

"Who is it" she asked fury and worrisome laced in her tone all together at once.

"It's me" came the quite reply of Steve, his hand on the knob as he looked at the ground in sadness.

Wanda sat in her bed muttering an angry "come in..."

Steve gave Vision a look. Vision left the two of them alone in the room.

"Wanda am sorry I didn't mean to-"

"Am okay, Steve" she muttered glancing at the TV news anchor that seemed to be reporting some kind of accident. As Wanda went to raise the volume Steve took the remote away and turned the TV off.

"Hey! I was watching that!" Wanda stood up ready to blow Steve off. In response he only put a comfortable hand on her already tense shoulder. He felt like she was his responsibility. She was just a kid and she had already lost her brother and was about to lose her only family.

"Wanda, you have to forgive her" Steve looked down as tears seemed to sting his baby blue eyes "she's your sister and the only person you have right now who knows what you're going through" he no longer seemed to be talking about her sister but about a personal experience.

"Wanda, she's beating herself up. She thinks it's her fault" Steve hesitantly looked in her eyes as a memory of his old pal Bucky seemed to linger in his mind. He missed his family, he couldn't let her go through the same fate.

"You guys have to have each other's back...till the end of the line" Steve bit the inside of his cheek as a distant memory surfaced on his vacant mind. It was him and Bucky, fighting together, saving the world. He missed it, all of it.

A blaring alarm startled the two as SHIELD seemed to go into chaos. People were running around and you could hear shouts from everyone in hysteria .

The edges of Steve's lips pressed grimly "Suit up"


While on your room you were panicking after hearing the commotion.
A medic stitched you up and you couldn't feel anything after popping some pills that helped alleviate the pain.

The alarm kept blaring rapidly as a red light flashed in and out.

You wanted to fight. The fire in your belly couldn't diminish with one nasty look from your sister. You wanted to fight and show her that you wanted to be a family again. You wanted to fight for her, to protect her, to do what you never could with your brother.

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