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•you having repeatedly crossed paths with Deadpool and you guys becoming bffs.

•you being a hacker of the highest caliber and using your abilities for your own sake, aka a black-hat-hacker.

•tony stark getting frustrated that he can never locate you long enough because you're always hacking into his system's mainframe and figure out his plans beforehand.

•having previous encounters with Hydra but never joining cause you didn't like their logo.

•being scary good at hacking that you got into SHIELD's list. It's not a good list.

•often making prank calls at the Hellcarier and most of those calls are picked up by the captain himself.

•"Well hello there Captain Crunch will you do me the favor of passing me to Naughty-Nat"

"Natasha it's for you!"

"...This is she"

"Well hello there Nat, so.... what you wearing?"

•Clint taking a liking to you because he can never see you coming and that's something he admires in his rivals, you also made Nat throw Steve's cellphone against a wall-who wouldn't like that?

•Shield discovering something about your past and throwing it back in your face leaving you shocked for a few minutes.

•A few minutes being enough for Shield to track your location and capture you for information.

•"Well well, I guess I do have to admit it's nice to put a face to the hacker"

"Don't be grouchy Papa Furry-"

"It's Fury"

"Let's not kid ourselves—I've seen your computer history"

•you sometimes helping Shield other times burning them alive with fun little mindless pranks.

•Bucky hating it when in the middle of the night you sneak in to put magnets of ponies and the Care Bears in his metallic arm.

•you having nicknames for the avengers.
Steve-Four of July stripper
Stark-Smarty Pants
Clint-Bambi's Mom
Thor- Britney Spears
Banner-Professor Green

•you hacking into Shield so much that now they just let it happen cause it's more like a nice visit.

•"Guys she's back-"

"Just let her do her thing, she'll get bored soon enough"

•you wanting to be secretly a part of Shield but not wanting to ask them to join because you don't consider yourself to be a 'joiner' so you just annoy the hell outta them.

•Shield needing your help in an actual emergency and you helping them and guiding them from the comforts of your own home.

•being an unofficial Shield member and when interns ask Shield why you don't just join them they shrug and say something like-

•"She's got issues"

"Am working through it!"

•You being kidnapped by Hydra and leading Shield to them trusting them to help you but only your bff Deadpool bursting through their window and Kamikaze the sons of bitches.

•you getting mad at Shield and going to your lab to prepare a virus that would erase all their data and send it to the general public.

•You first sending the virus to Tony. Then Fury and then Banner.

•the virus only holding one little message.

"The Bitch is Back Fuckers"

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