23. Loki Laufeyson

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•you guys meeting when you were really young.

•Loki being a conceited little brat since the age of 5 and making you clean his messes because he found you interesting.

•you being a little bit scared of him when you were little because all the other servants had told you just how insufferable he is.

•you not taking anymore of his tantrums and having a meltdown that resulted in exposing your magic.

•Loki not making you clean his messes anymore because now he was scared of you.

•Loki being curious about your background as a kid and spying on you and everything you did.

•Loki discovering you were an orphan who had accidentally set your house on fire and killed your parents.

•You witnessing Odin's abuse in a first class seat.

•you being an outcast of Asgard but not resenting them because of it.

•you getting bullied and Loki defending you against the bullies which ended up in him also getting bullied.

•you guys being through the worst situations ever imaginable but being happy as long as you were together

•"Well, this is a nice change of scenery"

•Loki teaching you how to read and write and asking you in return to show him your magic

•your magic making Loki want to learn magic and asking his mother for lessons but asking you on lessons on trickery and pranks.

•you guys being partners in crime and thick as thieves.

•you being shy and smart and Loki being confident and arrogant.

•you guys learning things from each other like how to be more open and how to fight against bullies.

•you perfecting your magic so much that you stopped becoming a servant and instead became Loki's bodyguard at the ripe old age of 15.

•you learning to be more confident because of Loki and him learning to think one step ahead of his enemy because of you.

•you growing up to be sassy and Loki hating it cause you always outwit him

•"I wanted to rule Midguard!"
"Yeah, I know, everyone knows. You kinda made the headlines, bud"

•you being an excellent bodyguard and an even more excellent friend

•you doing doing all of Loki's schemes with him but bitching and whining about it as you do them.

•"Oh great!"
"You have got to be kidding me!"
"I told you so. . . "
"Son of a mother!"
"This is why we can't have nice things, Loki!"

•you having a great relationship with Thor

•Thor thinking you and Loki could ever be an item but you've always laughed in his face as Loki threw profanities in his face.

•you being a bodyguard but loving the adrenaline and the high Loki gave you.

•Loki loving the quiet and peaceful times you gave him when you guys got together.

•your relationship rivaling that of Steve and Bucky and Tony and Rhodey.

•you getting a promotion and not seeing Loki as much as you'd like which resulted in Loki doing something so incredibly stupid just to call you and hear your voice.

"Y/N, I think I need your assistance...now"
"I missed you too old friend"

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