24. Tony Stark

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•tony trying his best to protect you at all times even when you don't need it.

•tony building a suit just for you but you hating it cause it's pink and girly.

•tony adding missiles to the suit as an apology.

•tony not rembering the day of your anniversary but rembering what you wore on your first date and the smell of your perfume.

•tony loves when you take control in bed but getting ptsd if it's something too much out of his comfort zone.

•you guys trying couples therapy but him getting feed up and ending up hacking the therapist's computer including all her embarrassing emails.

•"Oh Doc, is this what you do on your spare time—honey you should see this! It's amaz-"


•him installing a female version of Jarvis in your car and you kinda loving it even though it was a bit creepy sometimes.

•him calling both F.R.I.D.A.Y and Jarvis your babies and spoiling them like real kids. You getting creeped out but indulging him on his weird shit.

•you coming from a poor background and not being able to deal with Tony's rich douchebaggery sometimes.

•"rich people problems"

•you loving his sass but being mad when he made you laugh when you were mad.

•Tony being extroverted and you being an introvert so Tony leaves every party when you call to watch a movie and eat pizza.

•you guys meeting in a university. You were taking philosophy and astrophysics and eating noddles soup as you studied the laws on thermodynamics as he had a party next to your dorm.

•you being as smart as tony but not when it came to building stuff so you love watching him work and learn from him.

•"Pass me the screwdriver honey-"

"This one?"

"Not even close"

•Tony thightening his grip a little on your waist every time you stand up to pee when you guys are sleeping in bed.

•him being afraid to lose you and thinking you can find someone better than him and less damaged

•you loving every part of him even the broken damaged ones.

•you being great friends with steve and tony getting jealous of your relationship.

•"Hey Steve"

"What do you mean hey Steve it's Rogers-or Captain America or Mr. Flagpole but no one said anything about Hey Steve"

•Steve loves to make Tony jealous because it remained him of his past relationship with Peggy Carter.

•"Hey Y/N, lets go fondue this afternoon"

"What just happened?!"

•Tony Stark leaving a meeting-anything no matter the importance when you call. Having Tony Stark at your beck and call. Tony Stark is your bitch fuck yeah!-too much?

•you guys snuggling after having wild sex in his office, the kitchen floor, the bathtub, ect.

•you guys being madly in love with each other and being scared to break each other's heart so you thread lightly with sensitive issues.

•tony watching a movie that you guys promised to watch together before you and ruining all the good parts with his commentary.

"now-pay attention this is the good part-she dies"


"Ah-you missed it"

•tony teaching you how to play pool even though you already knew but you let him because you love the way his muscles feel against your back.

•you guys having wild sex on the pool table

•tony buying a pool table

•tony discovering that you're Fury's only cousin and him trying to impress Fury in the most Tony possible ways.

•you going with him to visit his dead mom in the cemetery.

•when tony can't sleep you read him stories you write because you love writing, he buys you a typewriter after. You think it's cute that he cares about your work ethic but honestly he only bought it so you could keep writing and reading him stories because that's the only thing that helps him sleep nightmare-free.

•him loving your stories and publishing them without telling you which resulted in you guys having a big fight

•you not talking to Tony for weeks and getting super drunk every night with your friends Pepper, Jane, Darcy, and Jessica

•you hooking up with a random stranger and regretting it as soon as tony heard.

•tony getting mad and leaving the guy in a coma but also paying for his insurance.

•you guys hating the separation but being to proud to say anything

"tony I love you....."
"I know, that's why this hurts so much"

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