Roasted By The Teach

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Before, my classmate asked our teacher "Can I have a pencil?" And our teacher said "I don't know, can you?" And we started saying "OHHHHH!!!" Before, in science class I forgot my chair wasn't in the spot it was supposed to be and I accidently sat down at the ground and I said "OWWW, I'M BUTTHURT!!" And people around me started laughing. Before, I was acting that one of my friends was my mom. And I said "YOUR NOT MY REAL MOM, BUT I'LL STAY WITH YOU IF YOU MARRY (classmates name)", then he literally went up to my classmate, went down to his knees, pretending to propose to my classmate and said "will you marry me?" And I started laughing so bad I couldn't leave. And my classmate was like "back away!" Before, everyone was crying because of an emotional video we had in class. I DIDN'T CRY FOR YOU PEOPLE TO KNOW. Then, I made a couple of jokes which I can't remember. And I said "YOUR LAUGHING WHILE CRYING!" And one of them started laughing. Before, my partner and I we r role-playing talk during class and I said "HEY KID, WANT SOME DRUGS?" And he said "Sure", and I said "WELL, YOU HAVE TO PAY 20 DOLLARS FOR IT", and he said "HECK YEAH! IN STORES THEIR 50 DOLLARS", And I said "WAIT, HOW OLD ARE YA KID?" And he said "Umm, I'm 20 years old", and I said "WAIT, KID I MEAN ADULT, WHY DID I CALL YOU KID?" And he said "YOU JUST ASSUMED MY AGE!" Yeah guys, I haven't been updating for a while cause Im shiny hunting and it's a real pain to the butt. So, stay swag and peace out!

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