Weird Rewards

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Before, when I was going between classes, my classmates and I saw two guys pulling down their pants and they were running around. And they either had boxers or shorts on. And we started laughing. Before, I thought I was going to be late for class and J said to my partner that was in front of my chair "MOVE!!" And I pushed him out of the way and sat down. And the person who was next to me said "Wow, you did that because you were about to be late". Since, if your not in the chair when the bell rings, you're considered tardy. Before, the person next to me was drinking water, he said "this is protein", and drank his water bottle. And I said "THAT AIN'T PROTEIN!" And he literally started laughing and spit out his water. And before, someone said "ooh she has a phone out". And someone said "she doesn't even have a phone", and she said "Yeah I do", and the person next to me said "she has a flipphone", and I  started laughing. Before, I was in a awards assembly with a lot of people for having no fails on your report card. And before the announcer said "some of you have been student of the month for caring right?" And some people raised their hand. And I said "i don't care about anyone", and a couple people near me started laughing. Before they asked "What are you going to do with the certificate when you get home?" And someone said "throw it away", and people around me started laughing. Before, the coordinator of the magnet I was in came in our classroom and she asked "are you treating the substitute good?" And I said to her "HE'S THE ONE WHO ISN'T TREATING US GOOD", and my whole table started laughing. That's all for today. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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