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Before, in math class, we had this math board game, and we could make our own board pieces and I made a cube, that had a derpy face on it, little feet on the bottom and an angel wing on the left and a bat wing on the right. And since all of my group were boys they were laughing at it. The way I put my board piece was upside down, and whatever I moved it they started laughing. Then, it was the end of the game, and one of my group was really salty. And one of them literally squished my board piece. And I shouted "NOO SQUISHY!!!!" And a lot of people started laughing in class. Before, my English teacher threw his book at the floor. And I was spacing out when it happened. And I noticed when people started laughing. And I said "WHAT HAPPENED?!" And my friends started laughing. And someone said "OOOH IT LANDED!" Before, I made a parody of Despacito called This Burrito. (Full credit to David Lopez for the title) And I sang it to my friends:
This burrito,
It's better than your bag of Doritos
It's even better with Tapitio
Let's go to Porto Rico
To replace your bag of Doritos
And they started laughing so bad. And I said "I POUR WATER INTO MY BAG OF DORITOS". One time, one of our classmates said they didn't have their close reader book, and our teacher said "then, where is it?" And I said to the.people near me "IN MY BAG OF DORITOS", and they started laughing so bad. Before, the person next to me in math class, made a joke. And he said "You used to call me on my flipphone", and our table started laughing. And I said "WELL, IT IS TRUE". Yeah guys, I have laughter breakdowns if I laugh too much. So, stay swag, and peace out!

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