They Need Jesus

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One time, we were reading a story in our English book, and in the story, one of the characters were drowning. And my English teacher asked, "What do they need?" And someone said, "Jesus." And a couple people started laughing. One time at lunch, my friends were throwing water bottles at each other, while my friend was harassing his roller backpack, by riding on it. Then, I said "JUST STOP. THERE IS SO MUCH ABUSE GOING ON. BACKPACK ABUSE, AND WATER BOTTLE ABUSE." One time in homeroom, my friend said "Look, my backpack is holy." And he opened his backpack which was lit with a flashlight. And a couple of us started laughing. One time, my friends told me that he was measuring his classmate's hands during science class, and his science teacher embrassed him in front of the class by saying, "Why are you guys holding hands?" And I started laughing so bad. And I said, "If I was there, I would've said HA! GAYYYY!"  One time, in PE, we were catching tennis with lacrosse sticks, then I I grabbed the stick and said "YOU! SHALL NOT PASS!" Before. one of friends threw the tennis ball at one of my friends, and they said, "YOU ASSUALTED ME!" And we a started laughing so bad. Welp that's it, so stay swag, and peace out!

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