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It's been a month since Dad's first departure, his first test for his newest invention; a vortex to the Jurassic Era.
Since the first week after the departure and Dad haven't return yet, Anima and her mother wept, trying to face reality that Dad may have departed from the world forever.

And although it's a month already, Anima can still not accept the fact that her father is gone; is dead.
She always tries to convince herself to believe and to lighten her heart, trying to find happiness out of sorrows, but another part of herself tries to say that there's still a hope, and that she may be able to reunite with her father if she can follow his tracks, which obviously leads her to the latest invention of which everyone believes had killed Gregory Smith.

When she tries convincing herself to just simply let go of her dearest father; her gentle guardian she finds present on the world, a part of her denies and chooses to try and search for him.
Alas, wanting not to be haunted over and over with sadness, sorrow, anger, fury, annoyance, or guilty, she decides to take on a deadly suicide mission.

If she can't rescue and find her father, then at least maybe she could make her father's legacy endured by accomplishing the latest and newest mission her father hasn't succeed accomplishing. Her father's remaining diary or more like a research plans note explains nearly everything about his research plans in the Jurassic Realm.

Her father believed that if humans and any particle in any matters can transfer into and out of the portal (which is tested with the light and air that's visibly inside the portal and is glowing from the portal), then he can perhaps direct anything that goes into the portal from this realm to a specific coordinate, and he can perhaps start building a base camp as a place to carry out research and as a temporary shelter there.

Her father had the vortex generator built since a long time ago in the woods; but he had just managed transferring controllable building materials which he crafted himself and built a floating trailer on it one and a half month ago. His final checks and preparations took place around a month ago, right before he decided to test the device for the very first time. And lo, he'd never come back ever since.

Her father's remaining team rankers tried to take her out of this, her mother cried once she states her will, and her girls screamed at the idea of such daring hunt.
But none of it successfully dragged her out of her main plan. She'd found her father's invention in a nearby woods, where she won't waste her time not to activate the vortex generator.

So that morning, with her mother, two women that must be her father's research team assistants, and her five best girls, she sets out to the woods, and hardly, they let her go all alone into the dangerous realm they could never know what's really in there.
Her mother would never agree to a crazy idea like that if it weren't for Anima herself convincing her mother that she'll be back safe and sound, and that the mission is to accomplish her dear husband's latest mission.

Now, Anima is standing before the great vortex generator. It's a huge circular frame out of metal, with a control panel board under it. There are only two things on the panel; a round button that can be rotated, and a lever.

"So, you'll be back here safely, right?" Her mother, still unsure about her insane daughter's decision, asks nervously. Anima nods.
"And if I come back here safely; that means the world isn't so dangerous after all," Anima states. The sentence is meant for all of the team that's with her at the moment. She stares into the eyes each of the persons that are standing in front of her right now.

"You must trust me, all of you. Sweeties, I'll be back soon." She says to her gang with a smirk.
"Just make sure your hair don't end up stuck on a claw, stubborn," teases Lily.
"... or being a Troodon's lunch." Nicky helps Lily by adding words to her sentence.

"Seriously sweeties; Troodon is a smart animal. What kind of smart people would devour such a lady?" Amelia mocks on. The four laughs.
"Take care, sweeties." Anima smiles tenderly as she speaks to her best friends, and she twists the button to turn the machine on. For a second confirmation, she pulls the lever. Suddenly, the cold wind grows wild around them.

A ray of real bright light strikes, forcing them to close their eyes for a moment until the light disappears and the raging wind stops. Once they recover their sight, a white-blue, bright portal is present at the center of the circular frame. Anima smiles once again to the peoples that she's glad still supporting her until this phase, before she walks into the portal and disappears with it.

And that is how she ended inside the trailer. After she finishes memorizing the moment, she rises from the sitting position, and walks towards the vortex generator that's located at the corner of the room.
"Well, I thought I'd be able carrying out this mission all by myself at first," she mumbles.

"But after a second thought about the pterodactyl, having everyone around isn't as bad as it sounds after all." She says, then twists the button and pulls the lever, stepping into the white-blue glowing material generated at the center of the vortex frame.

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