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"What?" Everyone shriek and startle at Anima. They start whispering to each other, some are heavily scared for they believe in ghosts and myths.
But when the video starts, they all have to keep quiet. As she plays the whole recorded scenes, everyone gasp in shock and fright. Right when the video stops, they take care of Henry right away.
"But how?!" He shrieks. Anima smirks. It's time for her to tell the truth. The real story.


The magnetic fields start to suffocate her. With the rest of her breath, she built a collection of as much air as her lungs can hold, as she opened the DSLR camera energy panel and she pulled out the camera battery. She slipped her fingers into her pocket and found the same meat knife as the one she used to cut off the chair leg in the trailer earlier.
She shaved off the surface of a wire she hardly found, and then she connected it to the battery and the metal knife, forming an electromagnet.

She hardly fought the strong magnetic force of the magnetic layers using the electromagnet with the same pole so that it repelled.
But the electromagnet is so simple and the system is so fragile that it isn't strong enough to turn the magnetic fields' effects; and soon enough, the electromagnet died. The same sensation of shock, panic, and frustration possessed Anima again, giving her strength to do a self-defense with all cost. She pierced the iron trailer wall and with her bare hands that have been tore off and full of blood by the sharp iron pieces, she formed an opening on the wall.

Blood trickled and flowed from the flesh of her hands, and the mother dinosaur that's been lying on the cave bed ever since started to wake up; for her sense of smell had detected a tasty, injured, helpless prey. With the rest of her regained strength, the mother dinosaur strikes the trailer, ruining half of it. Anima gets thrown a meter away. As fast as she can, she runs with all her might around the dinosaur until she managed to get back into the half remaining trailer. Her blood still spill and she can smell it now.

When she looks down as she keeps running, the ground is maroon red already, for the fresh blood had dried.
Her vision starts to blur; not for her losing blood, but for she's crying and sweating and all. If this is the end, can't I just die in peace?
She approaches the portal, right when the dinosaur caught her by her left foot. The pain is huge, really huge, but it turned down as her whole body suddenly turned numb. That must be the first symptom a people would feel when her body part is fatally injured.

At first, she thought she might end up like Fergus, the king from the tale of an ancient princess called Merida. But no, she leapt into the portal and everything turns black.
Once she's conscious, she dared not opening her eyes; for she's suffering from a great, great pain. Both her hands hurt; and she can estimate the pain that's now strangling her foot is more than 50 del.
But when she tried fluttering her eyes open, she found herself lying on a soft grass ground; with a friendly blue sky and not the cloudy, smoky, sky full of pterodactyls.

She rotated her head over to the right. And she saw something that fed her with pure gigantic relief; she could see her house silhouette from afar. She smiled, but once the killing pain strikes her left foot again, she grunted.
Slowly, she managed standing up; hardly, with the help of squeezing the long grass whenever the pain is so lot and she can't stand it. Step by step, 'carrying' her leg, she finally reached the front entrance of her house. She saw Henry's boots in front of the door, and she just couldn't help slamming the door open and reveal the shocking truth.


Mother draws her tears again for the hundredth time. However, they have to try and justify their sadness, for Dad, Becky, Anne, and the remaining team is really lost, after all. And after a week full of mourning and praying and begging for the best place for them in the death realm, they've fired Henry and decided that it's best to turn off the portal once and for all.
So off they go to the woods again, to find the vortex generator. When Anima is about to turn the portal off, a figure jumps out from it.

She falls to the ground in shock as the figure falls with her. It's... a woman. As she reveals her face, everyone gasp.
Everyone startle, everyone hold their breath, everyone scream and shout in shock.
"A... A... Anna?!" Anima hardly pronounce every syllable. Her broken leg that's currently being under treatment stings again.
"Help!" That's all Anna says as she loses her breath.
"They're still inside the cave," she falls limp to the ground, fainting; and shuts her eyes.

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