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"No!" Anima curses as she tries following the gigantic creature.
"That's a giganotosaurus; the animal that made us stranded and broke the vortex generator." She continues as she takes small steps quickly to stick to the tail of the beast.
"He can see and hear you, lower your voice," Henry orders. Anima seals her lips, not wanting any worse damage to be happening to them and the trailer.
"But how are we supposed to get the trailer back?" She asks.
"I don't know," Henry replies.

"But if it spots us, we run and not thinking of turning back and revive the vortex." He adds. Anima nods.
"I hope it's going to let the trailer go when it realizes that the trailer isn't edible," she wishes.
"Is there anything not edible for a dinosaur like him?" Anima would laugh if they aren't in such a crucial condition, and also if the trailer isn't in stake of being crushed to metal-and-stone-porridge. So instead of making a noise, she shuts.

"Let's just wait and see," Henry suggests as they make distance from the dinosaur but in the same time keeps an eye on it.
"Wait and see our trailer being crushed and eaten?" Anima asks sarcastically, spitting on Henry's poor idea.
"Isn't the trailer dino-proof?" Henry asks back in a fair amount of sarcasm.
"It's designed to keep the flying pterodactyls and other flying creatures away by giving out scents that they don't like and won't get near." Anima explains.

"But it won't be so effective for the land giants like Tyrannosaurus Rex and Giganotosaurus," she continues. Henry frowns.
"Wow! How'd you know that?" He asks in amazement.
"Dad's research notebook I found in the trailer and also the blueprint design Becky showed me once when we're resting in the trailer." Anima whispers; she still has control over her voice, not wanting the dinosaur to drop their trailer but chase them both instead.
"Please," Anima begs to no one but the dinosaur who certainly can't hear them.

"Can't it stop and have a rest or something? I'm tired of following his gigantic feet and large steps." She complains.
"Me too," He replies as he pants.
"But if we really want to go home, we'll need the trailer and most of all, the emergency-machine-reconstructing-kit." He continues, so they keep trying to follow the dinosaur, and it technically leads them to a hole that looks like a wide, long, and bottomless pit. Indeed, the dinosaur is so long that it can easily walk cross the pit just with a step of his wide feet.

But not with Henry and Anima.
"What do we do?" She whispers harshly. Henry rumbles his hair and breathes out roughly; an expression of disappointment.
"It must be going to its lair," he says.
"Yes, but how is that supposed to help us going across this deep, deep hole?" She urges. He exhales and sits down, thinking as quick as he can.
"We should perhaps build a bridge." He decides, which quite not satisfying Anima.

"We won't be able to reach that beast in time! He could've devoured the trailer whole the moment we managed chasing him!" She debates and argues. He thinks for another moment, and then he tries reaching out to his pocket. He then pulls out a device; the same device Anna used to control the magnetic fields by turning them off and on.
"How's that supposed to help?" Anima asks in huge curiosity.
"I'm not really sure," he confesses.
"The device lagged for this realm has a different resonance, coordinate, and atmosphere, and somehow... different time."

"This is the device used to stack up the magnetic fields," he then explains as he turns the device on. Its screen lights up.
"Somehow, it can't be working in here. I tried carrying the team home by moving the magnetic fields layers, but it can't; since this device was built in a time that's just not now. I mean... they didn't have satellites in the Jurassic Era, did they?" Anima forces a laughter out.
"Of course they don't," she says.
"And so, how can the machine works without satellite?" She asks.

"Well, this no-satellites-signal-theory is just what I approximated. It isn't so confirmed yet; I mean, who knows? And that's why... we're just about to test it." He says. He uses his finger to tap the odd buttons in the device panel, forming a sequence to control the magnetic fields layers.
Suddenly, Henry cheers.
"It works!" He says, setting two repelling-to-each-other magnetic fields to cover the surface of the pit.

"Let's go," he calls Anima out as he walks straight to the pit.
Anima gasps. However, the 'magnetic fields' are invisible. And it kind of looks weird; they're floating on the air; walking on something that looks like just an ordinary empty room, but they somehow don't fall into the pit. Anima somehow stumbles, for although the magnetic fields repel each other and it guarantees their safety from falling right into the deep and dark pit, the magnetic force and pressure that runs between the fields are unstable.

Once they reach the other ledge of the land; the side they have to cross the pit in order to get to; Anima sighs in huge relief and gratefulness. It's just in time for them to see the dinosaur's tail disappear from their sight in their north direction. They quickly run after the dinosaur, and their really hard effort is really worth it; they managed chasing after the Giganotosaurus and now, they can see clearly the creature running before them again.
"But how can those devices runs without satellite signal?" Anima asks.

Henry shrugs. "Perhaps it's not about the satellites; it's about the atmosphere. I don't exactly know why, but I don't expect the device to work after the horrible fall me and the team got the first time we arrived in the trailer of the realm. Perhaps it's done self-recovery? I can't be sure," he explains.
"Like... it needs time to adjust its coordinate in order to be able to function again?" She asks. He nods, his face brightens.
"Yes, that's another nice theory. I've never thought of that before!"

"You're a genius!" He praises her. Anima laughs as she pants for running so fast after the dinosaur.
"Well, that could be true, too. It perhaps takes more than a minute to recover its new real coordinate on a new biome after a constant and drastically fall like when we fell off the trailer." He explains. Anima nods when she finally gets what he means.
They continue following the giant beast; and it leads them to a cave-like stone monument; and before they could realize the three eggs that lies on top of a stack of hay; they can see that the cave is its lair.

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