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When Anima first steps into the house, one thing that she first catches; her gang, the Sweeties' Diary is still there, along with two of her father's assistants. It seems like her mother had invited them to pray and eat at her house for her sake at the dinosaurs' realm. And before she could say any single word, they all startle at her and call out to her name, being super shocked.

Her mother quickly runs to her direction, embracing her super tightly.
"I thought you would never return like your father," she cries. Anima frowns at her over-protective mom.
"I told you I'll be back safely, and you all now know what it means." She says, referring to the statement that means the world isn't so dangerous after all, even though it's a huge lie.

"You mean the world is safe?!" Nicky asks in surprise. Disbelief can be clearly heard in her voice.
"Well, that's not exactly what I said. I said that means the world isn't so dangerous after all," Anima replies.
"So?" Mother asks as she raises an eyebrow. Anima had put up a code to tell her mother that she couldn't accomplish the mission all by herself so she'll need everyone's help, but it seems to her that her mother is too protective to see that.

She exhales the air harshly. "Don't you understand what I'm trying to tell you?!" She complains roughly. Mother confusedly shakes her head.
"Ugh!" She exclaims in disappointment and annoyance.
"Did you see any Dad or any Research Material around?!" She asks in sarcasm, trying to say that means I got to go back to the Jurassic World and find Dad, or Research Material, or both of them.
For one second, Mom still doesn't get what she means.

But then, she understands and shows a shocked expression.
"Don't you mean..." She cuts her sentence before the end.
"I'll need all the help I can get to carry out the mission and the plan in the realm," Anima explains.
"Anima," Amelia calls out, and Anima turns to face her.
"Are... you sure? Involving us in this... plan?" She asks nervously. Anima nods strictly.

"I... I'm sorry, I can't." She says.
"Me either, not wanting to disappoint you, Anima." Viola speaks up, and all the rest of the Sweeties' Diary gang members say the same. That explains to her what the real fake friends are.
"Fine," she says at last, still in a huge annoyance that the girls who used to hang out with her at the café is now all being cowards that refused helping her at the most critical condition.

"Thank you for all of your amazing responds," she speaks sarcastically.
"... But then realizing that there will be a lot more 'no' than 'yes'..." she continues, forming a smirk on her face, chaffing all the cowards she just opened the masks.
"... I'd like to ask once more, who's with me?" She asks briefly. To her surprise, the two assistants that she thought would resist just like her fake girls, steps forward bravely.

"I'm in," one of the two speaks up firmly, before the other walks towards Anima, too.
"Me, too," the other says. Anima smiles.
"At least, there are still two ladies here, who can keep their loyalty to their master, whose alive-or-not status is unclear. What about the girls who promised meekly that they're going to stay together at all costs; shoulder-to-shoulder, helping each other, at all times, but leaved one of their friends in the deadly world carelessly, when the friend they're leaving behind is clearly still alive?" She chaffs once more.

"But who cares anyway? That taught me what fake friends really are," she mutters to herself, picking her nails that it forms a clicking sound.
"So long, girls," Anima says annoyingly, then sets out with the two assistants into the forest with a little supply of food, into the realm she visited just now and found that it's going to be deadly dangerous.


After a huge dizziness, they regain their consciousness.
"Wow," one of the assistants says in awe.
"Wait. Hang on." Anima says as she tries to stand up.
"We... probably should spare a few minutes for introduction section." She continues, followed with a little casual laughter.
"Hi," the brown-haired speaks up.
"My name's Becky," she introduces herself. Anima smiles and nods, then pulls out one of her hands to shake hand with Becky.

"Hello, Becky." She says. Becky smiles in return.
"I'm Anna," the black-haired says. Anima smiles to her. And in a moment later, they're already sitting together on a sofa near the spot where they were being transported the first time they traveled to this realm together. They can already chat, laugh, and do many things together as a friend casually.

"So, what would we do here?" Anna asks. "Task one, get to the ground. We won't be able to get some research materials or find Dad if we're still hanging up 1000 meters off the ground." Anima sighs as she explains the plan.
"But, how are we supposed to get down?" Becky asks in confusion.
"According to the building structure whose blueprint is with me..." Anna says as she pulls out her phone out of her lab jacket pocket.

"This trailer is being lifted with invisible magnet forces. From the ground, layers of magnetic fields are being transported, being stacked vertically," Anna explains as she swipes her finger across the touch screen.
"But how's that supposed to keep the trailer floating?" Becky asks in misunderstanding.
"Easy." Becky says, beginning her longer explanation.

"With estimating and approximating the poles of the magnetic fields, and stacking it in a correct order, you can make it either repel or attract each other, right? Just calculate the poles; make sure that every each of the layers is facing against the other layer that has the same pole with it. Thus, they repel each other, allowing the layer above it floating on the air.

And since they are stacked vertically, slowly but surely, they can start forming an invisible tall heap of magnetic layers. After reaching the height of 1000 meters, Dr. Gregory found out the coordinate of the top of the magnetic fields heap, and started building this floating trailer there." She explains in a really long and confusing speech, but Becky seems to understand.
"But how's that supposed to help us getting down?" Anima asks.

"Keep calm; I've the control panel in my phone." With the tap of a finger, the magnetic field layers are off, and the trailer freely drops to the ground. But before the trailer touches the ground with a massive force that it may ruin the trailer's body, Anna quickly turns the magnetic layers on again, and they have a smooth landing on the last layer.

As their trailer is floating about two feet off the ground now, they feel like going out and jump out of the trailer, but it's almost night already. Tomorrow, they can start wandering. At least, they can start by sharing bread for dinner in the trailer, and then try opening any left note or tracks of Anima's father in the trailer so they're going to know what kind of research material needs to be gathered, and what kind of research needs to be carried out.

Anna pulls her phone out, and they're about to discuss about their next plan. But not before a loud and horrible roaring voice rings their ears, and on the next second the trailer's thrown to the thin air.
"Oh, poor me," Anna says sarcastically.
"I forgot to bring Giganotosaurus repellent."

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