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Panic starts creeping up to her again. Where's Dad? Where's Dad? That's the only question she keeps roaring of in her mind.
She's so panicked that she tries peeping through the spreading fire; worrying not about her safety that one of her boot touches the needle of flame. She lets out a little scream, and starts wandering through the dense woods, searching high and low to find her Dad and his team.
They can't be dead, she tries assuring herself. The 'two parts' of herself haven't been confronting so hardly before.

She keeps asking herself how she could not find them in the middle of the fire if they're still there and it all leads to the worst possibility she never wants to encounter with.
She had enough of thinking that her Dad was dead when he's safe and sound for once. She doesn't want to plant so much more bad perceptions in her head no more.
No, it can't be. She calms down. They can't be dead. Dad can't be dead.
It's hard to expect someone to live after they're nowhere to be found inside the burning fire they last stood up in.

She's still relieved for the successful escape from the huge fire, but in the same time, she's disappointed that the vortex generator can't be reconstructed or reconceived anymore due to the fatal crash it got. She's also clueless about this case of Missing Dad and His Team.
She has nowhere left to go. She must go on; she must find and rescue Dad. Only he can make the portal generator, and she can at least still hope and pray that there will be enough resources to rebuild the vortex generator in this Jurassic Realm.

She starts searching in a swamp nearby. She guesses that there could not be a big predator in a knee-tall-watered swamp, so she rolls up her jeans sleeves and quickly splash in. Finally, she can feel a tiny bit of coolness after being hit with fire.
But the dinosaurs aren't in the swamp, and so are Dad and team. She's about to give up looking for them in the swamp and was about to change her searching target, before she hears someone familiar calling out to her name in both relief and shock.

"Anima!" That sound whispers–half shouting. For one second, she thought it was Dad, for the voice is so manly and low; baritone just like Dad's. But when she turns her head around, she discovers that the figure is somehow not Dad.
"Henry!" She gasps in awe. He's made it out from the fire.
"What brought you here?" He asks. She sighs.
"Trying to revive the vortex generator; that's completely burnt." She answers hopelessly and disappointedly.

"Well. I was just being back from gathering lots of pine seeds; remembering we've got three new guests; and they're ladies. So, I think we'll have more things to concern about. But then, I saw a great fire. So, I searched for the nearby swamp and tried rescuing myself. I think you and Gregory and the rest of the team had finally made it out, right?" He asks in the end. Anima sighs sadly and shakes her head slowly. Henry startled in shock.
"I don't know," she replies.

"How can you don't know?" Henry asks again, still in a state of huge shock.
"I... I tried restoring the vortex generator, but it's been burnt down whole and I can't do anything. Then I realized that Dad and his team weren't following me after all." Anima explains as she stammers a bit. She can't fully recover from the sadness of losing Dad, team, and a chance to go home at the same time all at once.
"No. They can't be–" Henry stops, when Anima lowers her head and faces down.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." Henry shows sympathy.
"It's okay." Anima tries to be strong but she had just made her voice shattering. Her heart is now like a piece of ceramic being shattered and shaken. The next thing happen is like when the ceramic finally falls down and breaks into pieces.
Maybe it's time to accept a reality that Dad didn't quite make it out, she thinks, and her tears race and force their way out of her eyes. Henry pats her shoulder, calming her down.

It took her around five minutes–maybe more–to calm down perfectly.
"We must go on, Henry." She says in the cave they rest under, for the moderate rain starts falling, naturally extinguishing the fire.
"We'll wait until the rain stops,"–he explains the plan–"... then we'll try and copy the detailed design." Anima lifts her gaze to see his face.
"But we'll need some rare building materials," she inquires.
"The emergency survival kit–including the vortex generator reconstructing materials–must be in a crate hidden somewhere on the corner of the trailer."

Anima finds a new hope when Henry mentions the vortex-generator-reconstructing-materials-emergency-crate thing, but that isn't so enough to convince her that they'll be able to get back to the trailer.
"Are you sure it can reconstruct the total-wrecked machine?" She asks. He nods.
"Pretty much so," he then replies. She smiles. They have hope, they have chance, they can go home, but with no Dad or team at all.
She feels the sadness getting over herself again when she remembers Dad.

She doesn't expect a lot; she isn't even bothering taking a few research resources anymore right now, since it wouldn't mean a lot. Two of her new friends; Becky and Anna; vanished along with her Dad and his remaining team.
She would never inquire Becky and Anna to join her into the dangers of the realm if she knew that this is what will happen to them. She would never decide to come after her Dad if she knew this is what will happen later then.

Slowly, she regrets and weep bitterly; soundless, voiceless; she keeps all the pain, the feeling of being left by someone she loves, the regression for leading lots of people to terrible danger, the horrified feeling, and all the worst she can only imagine when she was just a kid for herself. All these troubles hurt and wreck her heart a lot she fears if she finally makes it out, her heart can move on from the thought of losing Dad, Becky, Anna, and team all at once.
But can she even get out of this crazy realm? Deep down, she hopes tenderly so.

But too much hoping and wishing couldn't revive them all easily; and the moderate rain stops already.
"Come on, Anima. Let's go and check the trailer," Henry walks out of the cave. Anima follows as she nods as an answer.
But there is no trailer around the cave. There's nothing except the burnt woods, and a rectangular piece of land that remains green; like it's been covered with something when the fire strikes, protecting the land for not being burnt.

"What?" She hisses softly. Her mind that's been tired of all the confusions her problems caused gets even dizzier of all those questions filling her brain; the ones she couldn't answer.
"I'm sure it's right here! It's here. Exactly here, right when the fire hits the ground!" She mutters. Henry folds his forehead, not getting whatever Anima tries to explain.
"Henry, the trailer's supposed to be here!" She screams in panic as she runs to the middle of the still-green-land.

"What has happened to Dad, team, and... our trailer?" She shrieks in both panic, frustration, and confusion.
"There could only be one thing. Something or someone somehow moved it." Henry replies, not really helping.
But the ground trembles, and a creature with its large and tall foot walks pass them, carrying the trailer between its line of firm jaws and sharp teeth.

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