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In a moment later, she finds herself safe and sound in the middle of the forest. She turns around, adoring the view in front of her. She's back in the rainforest where she had started her daring journey.
Suddenly, she can taste the laziness deep inside herself. She's been back safe and sound, and she's kind of afraid to go back into the Jurassic Realm. But she realizes that Henry needs her help, and she just can't leave him behind. I've promised to myself.

She walks towards her house's garage, and, not wanting to cause a chaos and not wanting to hear a crowd in her house yet, she walks slowly and she didn't make any sound. She takes a DSLR camera. However, documentaries can sometimes be needed.
She searches around and gazes around the garage to find something that may help, but she can't find anything that she thinks might be helpful once she's back into the Jurassic Era.

So finally, empty-handed with nothing but a DSLR camera around her neck, she walks right back into the portal in the woods.


She finds herself back inside the locked trailer. She starts recording with her camera, not wanting to lose any edge of the view.
But somehow, she finds Henry standing right beside the portal in the corner of the trailer.
Henry is holding the device he used to control the magnetic fields.
"Henry!" She exclaims happily. But she then stops when she hits the... empty room.

What could possibly be there? What could've confronted her way? Something weird is building a barrier between her with Henry and the vortex generator.
She then gasps in shock and horror. Could it be... could it be the same magnetic fields confronting her way?
But a moment later, Henry is now grinning wickedly. Suddenly, everything is clear.

Dad and his team get lost for the fire that almost burnt totally the trailer if it weren't for the rain and for the mother dinosaur. But at the same time, Henry was so lucky to be away of the region, gathering pine seeds. And... why couldn't he be the one to turn the magnetic fields off to put Dad and his team to an accident the first minute they arrived on the Jurassic Realm, and then anyhow, managed to rescue him?
Why couldn't he be the one to move the magnetic fields to block the hole beside the cave, to kill her on purpose by making her velociraptor's dinner?

And now... she can't get into the portal. What on earth is he planning? Is he planning to...
"You're indeed a fool, Anima." He speaks up. She startles.
"Guess you've never known how much I long to sabotage Gregory's work," he states. So that's why? Anima thinks as she keeps the recording DSLR on.
"Are you... are you planning to then claim and sabotage the invention of my father–Jurassic Times vortex generator?" Anima's heart leaps abnormally.

Henry grins. "After I managed getting rid of Henry and his team... the only remaining rascal is you. Once you're trapped here forever, you'll either die or be trapped forever. Congratulations making your way out, Anima." He smiles wickedly again as he moves the magnetic fields to push Anima to the other corner of the trailer and start suffocating her.
"No!" She shouts as she starts losing her breath and her chest feels so heavy.
"Guess the physicist's daughter is even stupider than her father himself, eh?" And with that sharp sentence, he steps into the portal and disappears.


A knock on the front entrance barks. Mother happily opens the door, thinking that her dearest daughter is home. But as soon as she draws her smile wide, that bright smile vanishes.
"Henry?" She shrieks. "What happened?" Henry acts as-if-he's-sad-and-really-depressed, and he sighs.
"Henry and the others were lost. Anima..." He stopped as if there's something tragic that's about to jump out of his mouth, but really, he's just thinking of a nice excuse to tell.

"... she didn't make it out. I... I couldn't save her." Mother's tears flow out like a river at once.
After Henry trying to comfort her over and over; for he knows what it feels like losing both spouse and a dear daughter at the same time, but he doesn't care, he can finally get Mother to go back into the house.
Families of Anima are there; except her girl friends. They're nowhere to be seen. Perhaps they've gone home the minute Anima departed, for they're just a couple of fake friends.

They all are forcing Henry to give them details and retell the whole journey from the very beginning.
After 30 minutes of storytelling (which is fake) and mourning and crying, they start to make decision and contact the graveyard owner.
But they can't be more shocked once the door is being slammed open and a figure they had been mourning for steps in; her face red with anger and rage, her hands and trousers full of fresh red blood as she struggles to walk straight. She points out at Henry as she takes off the DSLR camera.
"Let me show you all a proof of a betrayal here,"

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