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"Uh-oh," Anima grunts as they peek from the small opening of the cave from the cave's side. The Giganotosaurus; which turned out to be a female is pecking on their trailer.
But the dinosaur can differ between food and rubbish; and once she gets a little taste of the trailer and perhaps thinks that it's not too yummy, she leaves to follow her sense; for she's got another prey waiting for her by the side of her cave lair, and she can smell it already.
"No, no, no," Anima mumbles as she tries stepping back from the cave.

Without any alarm or what-so-ever, Henry and Anima runs like it's the last way to stay alive–which is somehow true, since they almost cease to have any chance–with one foot finger perimeter size as large as a tractor wheel, they perhaps don't stand a chance.
But night is falling at the same time, and the dinosaur is also an instinctive mother. So, realizing the dangers that might lurk her eggs while she's away chasing these humans, she suddenly stops running, turns back, and runs back straight to her lair to guard her eggs.

Anima and Henry sighs in relief, but the problem isn't so done yet; they still have to revive the vortex generator, and to do that, they must find their portal and be able to reach it.
They run until the dinosaur's cave is in sight, and not wanting to get themselves into anymore danger tonight by going too near by the cave, they try camping at around 10 meters away from the cave. The distance doesn't disturb the mother dinosaur; but also enables them to keep an eye on the cave; searching and waiting for a sly chance to slip into the cave and somehow, earn their portal back.

Anima tries producing a fire by rubbing hardly two stones, just like what she usually sees on survival documentary movies and action movies that features woods and wild forests scenes, but the fire just won't lit.
"Let me try," Henry offers as he takes the two stones and tries rubbing it onto each other in a different way.
To her surprise, he manages producing a fire, and off she goes to find some emergency bonfire woods.
It took Henry a struggling hardship to keep the temporary fire on as Anima sets out searching for some woods and branches.

When she finally comes back safely, he sighs out a relief, and they set up the bonfire.
"Tomorrow, we'll give it another try." Henry offers. Anima sighs disappointedly.
"We tried," she replies. "And none of our attempts make things better nor solve any problem. We're just making it even worse," she finishes.
"If we stop trying, we won't make it home." He says strictly.

She stares at the ground; a panic and confusion suddenly runs in her blood, making her hands cold and fuels up her heartbeat.
"Fine," she finally utters. "I guess we can't stop trying unless we're eaten tomorrow." He glares at her, as like saying: whatever the hell you're thinking of, if it contains death and jigsaw-shaped teeth that's slicing our flesh and breaking our bones, cut it out now.
Anima suddenly grunts in pain as she spontaneously places one hand on her stomach.

"Oh," Henry whimpers. "You haven't eaten anything today, have you?" He asks. She shakes her head strictly and throws at him a death glare, like: have you seen me eat something as we run for our lives? Or like: come on, you knew I haven't. Stop buzzing around asking if I've eaten something.
"Here," he casually hands her over a few pine seeds. Now I understand why they could be so grateful over the pine seeds that I thought can't be eaten.

The tasteless pine seeds are being eaten by her like sweet chocolate cubes. Not around ten minutes after the simple dinner, they fall asleep. Again, the figure of Dad and the tragedy that could've murdered him is filling Anima's mind and possessing her dreams.
When she thinks she can get relieved for a night by closing her eyes and fall asleep; she's wrong. She gets even more depressed and mentally ill for the images.


The first thing Anima spot when she's awake is that they wake up from a dreadful voice. When she flutters her eyes open, her heart almost leaps out of its place.
They're being surrounded by a group of velociraptors. Lucky for them, the big campfire they built in the middle of the night saved them.
Somehow, when the sun rises and she wakes up, it's time for the raptors to stop hunting and take a rest. They all run away at once back to a small cave where they live.

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