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morning, Henry is already too frustrated and far too confused for the disastrous night yesterday, so Anima's the one to wander and gather pine seeds. With some little clues–about how to pick an edible pine seed from Henry–that aren't really helpful, she managed to gather two handfuls of them.
She's hoping to be able to get Henry to eat a handful of the seeds so that she'll get the other handful seeds, but Henry won't eat any pine seed more than a few countable seeds.

"You'll get stomachache like me," she grumbles and nags at him, trying to get him to eat more. He shrugs carelessly.
"Fast or slow, we'll still die in this realm. We've no way out. I'd die happily as soon as possible." And with that answer, Anima gets heated up fully. Her eyes are now glaring angrily at him.
"Don't say things like that!" She screams. He only narrows his eyes for a second at her, then drops it down.
"You can't force me to eat." He says, pushing away the heap of pine seeds in front of him away.

"We must try and get home! Don't you want it? Then you must try and survive here!" She continues mumbling, on and on.
"Why should I when I don't want to?" He asks sarcastically and annoyingly, raging her up. She's so angry and frustrated for him that she can't find a suitable word more than a harsh word to spit at him. She then stands up.
"If you want to die, then go die. I have no more interest of your carelessness. I'll try and be free all by myself."

She walks away. However, the mommy dinosaur is weak and helpless already, so when Anima walks straight to the entrance of the cave, the mother dinosaur can only growl fiercely without trying to fight.
Anima gets into the trailer as she carries torch just in case to fend off the dinosaur.
She thinks of a way to drag the trailer out of the cave, but she can't. Suddenly, an idea flashes in her mind. She'll go home. She'll go off alone. Once she manages recreating the portal, she'll be able to go home.

She wants to tell Henry about it and wants to get him to join her into the trailer, but once she tries opening the trailer, she somehow finds the door jammed or stuck; it can't be opened as if there's something blocking it. It must be the magnetic fields, she tries thinking straight.
Whoever put it there, he or she must be a betrayer. Thinking about the word 'betrayer' sickens her; since the images of her friends that are leaving her when she's in trouble starts filling her mind again and again.

Now I can't warn Henry, she thinks. I can't get him to join me and go home, what should I do? She asks to herself in pure panic and fright.
Panic possesses her again. No, she thinks. She had lost her father and her father's research team; along with two loyal assistants, her friends, Becky and Anna. She doesn't want to lose Henry too, now.
What should I do what should I do? She keeps thinking about it over and over, until a risky idea flashes in her mind. After trying all the doors and windows and all her attempts fail, perhaps she could go home first.

She won't need to go out of the trailer again. Her eyes spot a wooden box; perfectly camouflaged on the corner of the trailer.
But... I can't just leave Henry alone in here. Everyone must've felt so depressed and frustrated in their lives that they feel like their presences in this world are useless, but somehow, peoples like that needs–and deserves a help to prove that they're wrong. To prove that they're precious and they deserve to exist in the world.

She falls right into a dilemma, again. If she leaves Henry here, goes home and get some tools that'll help, then get back into the Jurassic Realm, will everything be alright? Since all attempts she tried to free them from the world failed.
But she can't see any better decision, so she quickly search high and low in the trailer and find her father's old notebook. In it were the first designs of the vortex generator and all the information about it–including the vortex generator recreating emergency kit.

With the help of the book and the wooden box she found, which turns out to be just the correct tool; the vortex generator recreating emergency kit, she starts working throughout the afternoon just to be able to restore the vortex generator.


After countless try-and-error-and-fixing experiments, she finally gets it right. She's pretty proud of herself, although she knows not why. But mostly it's perhaps because she's totally never want to dive into the world of science and technology knowledge.
She loves literacy and chemistry the most, but she hates biology and physics and most of all–machinery and engineering. So this vortex-generator-recreating-job is certainly unsuitable for her, but due to the no-other-option condition, she finally has got it right.

She sighs at the sight of such a similar-to-the-original-one machine in front of her. After she ran a test; finally the blue, glowing substance starts to form and shine in the middle of the portal frame as usual.
"Time to set things straight," she says, and with her remaining bravery, faith, and trust, she walks straight into the portal. Little did she know... her plan isn't safe at all, especially about going back.

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