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The 47-feet-long creature had just swung the trailer to the air, and they feel like their trailer is flying on the sky just like before they managed to reach the ground. What's different is that the trailer is going down now, in a massive force and speed.
"No, no, no, no!" Anima screams hysterically.
"We can't let it destroy the vortex generator!" She shouts in fear.
"Then tell that guy to not to do that!" Becky says sarcastically as they feel their trailer drop to the ground.

"It's hitting the ground soon!" Becky shouts.
"What do we do?!" Anima growls in frustration.
"Jump out!" Anna commands and they reach out to the nearest door, hit it open, and jump out all at once. A second later, they hear a crashing sound, and the trailer's all ruined, crushed, and burned.
They can still heavily breathe, because of the shock and the smoke and ashes that come from the fire burning their trailer.

"Are we safe yet? Am I still alive?" Becky, with her sarcastic tone as usual, barks and mutters.
"We're alive. I don't know if that means we're safe," Anima replies, and right after that, the roaring voice gets near.
"The trailer is a porridge of metals now; all we can do is–"
"Run!" Anima cuts Becky's voice with a just-right word. They try running as fast as they can, but their little legs can never match the speed of the giant's big feet.

"Uh, is he seeing us?" Anna trembles with fear. Anima shakes her head, but that doesn't mean no.
"I don't know," she answers.
"Don't worry..." Becky shakes while a grain of tear rolls down Anima's cheeks.
"... hi-his bite force is just several times weaker than T-Rex's..." Beck continues.

"... but instead, he has a set of serrated teeth, enough to form slice wounds on his prey." Anna says as she shakes violently.
"Oh my. Try and not make any voice, please," Anima begs as another tear drops down from her eye.
"I never say this animal isn't dangerous," Becky whispers harshly.
"And I've never said this realm isn't dangerous either, sorry." Anima whispers back, but the river of tears stops flowing and they can sigh in a huge relief and gratefulness when the oversized creature walks past them, unrecognizing the three ladies hiding behind a rock.

"Phew," Anima sighs as she wipes the sweat on her forehead and the tear trails on her cheeks.
"You turned red," Becky starts laughing and chuckling at the sight of Anima's face.
"Oh, like you don't." Anima replies in still a heavy breath.
"Ugh, now what do we do?" Anna clamors impatiently.
"Night had fallen over this crazy world already, and we haven't found any shelter!"

"Hush," Anima says, lowering her voice a bit. "Some other predators may still hear us."
"Yeah, like the Velociraptors." Beck shivers, fear still haunts her. It had just decreased a bit after they're free from the Giganotosaurus' threat.
"Look," Anna points to a cave nearby.
"You're crazy," Becky argues.
"That may be a predator's lair." She continues carping.

"Name me the smartest dinosaur ever found." Anna inquires.
"Troodon?" Becky asks as she shrugs, showing the I-don't-care expression.
"Right, and can it make fire?" Anna asks sarcastically, raising an eyebrow.
"Maybe, if it catches its snout on lava." Becky answers carelessly, and Anna punches her on the arm.

"What is it for?" Becky asks with annoyance briefly shown on her face. Anna points her thumb to the cave's direction, and it doesn't take long for both Becky and Anima to understand what Anna's talking about. In the next second, their gasps fill the silent night, with their shocked expressions and opened mouths; they slowly walk together towards the cave that gave them a shock. There's a camp fire in the cave.

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