Kuoh Academy

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Ryker: So where could the red dragon emperor be?

Azazel: Supposedly he goes to Kuoh Academy.

Ryker: Kuoh? I've heard of it, never been though.

Azazel: Don't worry I'll get you an application.

Ryker: Wait I'm actually going to the school, I thought I was suppose to keep a lookout for red. Not go to school with him.

Azazel: Well in order to get better observation of what he's doing you need to be in his classes, see what he's up to, and get any information you can on where he goes after school. Maybe become his friend...

Ryker: FRIEND! Okay now your taking this too far, I'm never becoming friends with the devil scum.

Azazel: Okay maybe not friends but see who his friends are.

Ryker: How about I just kill him on the spot, what's so wrong with that?

Azazel: Its better if you keep him alive, or else.

Ryker: Or else what, your going to banish me again? Pshh good luck.

Azazel: No I'll have you executed on the spot.

Ryker's eyes widened. He started having flash backs of the crash, the blood that spilled on the floor coming from his younger brother, it was as red as Sirzechs' hair. No matter how bad he wanted to prove his strength and get his revenge, he didn't want to visit his family any time soon.

Azazel: Change your mind?

Ryker: Yeah, I understand why you need the bastard alive. Just promise me that when you want him dead I'll be the one with a knife to his neck, okay?

Azazel: Ok. Be ready for school tomorrow.

Ryker: God you sound like my dad.....wait tomorrow!

Azazel: Yeah school is tomorrow and don't stand out too much, you don't want too much attention.

Ryker: Aww c'mon you take the fun out of everything.

Ryker spreads his wings, as dark as midnight, and soars in the air towards a hidden building he calls home. He wasn't expecting school to be tomorrow so he prepares his clothes for tomorrow and hits the hay. 

(The next day)

Ryker jumps out of the bed startled, it's been common since every time he closes his eyes the nightmare appears.  Every day, night after night he has the same dream. The car crashing into the ditch then the knife cutting his brothers throat, the tears in his eyes shows that there has been more cuts that just a simple slice. Ryker still doesn't know why a devil would target his younger brother instead of him, he wishes it was himself instead. He wanted his younger brother to live life to the fullest, but apparently someone didn't want that to happen. Ryker washes his face off hoping to relief his conscience of the horror but it comes back, it always comes back, and it never with end until he finds out why his family had been murdered. Until then he gets ready for his long and miserable day of school.

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