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Ryker was leaning up against the concrete wall of the school. He had his arms crossed, staring out to the empty street. His face was stone cold like always, but something was different. He showed some signs of concern. Distant voices were corrupting his thoughts and ideas each time he tried to get his mind clear of things. The Nightmare wasn't easing up on him in the slightest.

Issei: Well if it isn't Prince Charming waiting for us at the doors to hell.

Without looking Ryker smiled and closed his eyes. The voices seemed to disappear...for now.

Ryker: You know for once I agree with you. School is indeed hell....

He looked over to see the whole group all walking with joy. Issei in front of them all and next to Rias, waving to Ryker. He removed himself from the wall and dug his hands in his pockets.

Ryker: But lucky for us this is our last day till summer break.

He chuckled bit and headed inside.  The rest of the group met up with him.  The group all chatted and gossiped casually as Ryker stared at the floor in front of him getting lost in thought again.  Issei eventually journeyed a bit over and bumped into Ryker's side, but not enough to knock him over.  Instead he almost knocked himself over.  Ryker snapped out of it yet again and looked over. 

Issei: Hey, I figured you would be more excited for our last day.

Ryker smiled and tilted his head a bit as he looked down the hallway in front of him.

Ryker: Me?  Hell I'm more excited than you, but then again...I'm not even supposed to be here if it wasn't for you. 

Issei: You haven't really been...yourself...since that battle with Vali yesterday.  You ok?

Ryker thought about his response for a second, but came to a decision early since they made it to their class.  He put his hand on the knob and looked over at him.

Ryker: Yeah, never better.

He turned it and was instantly greeted with loud chatter and laughing.  Everyone who already made it to the class had already merged into groups and started talking.  The 'pervert trio' was reunited again discussing how summer break was gonna set them on a mission to scope out hotties in bikinis.  Ryker smiled and rolled his eyes hearing them talk about their perverted plans.  He was left to himself as he sat in a desk in the back.  The different voices and discussions slowly started to dial down to him, leaving him in his space alone.  They became so quiet to him he couldn't hear they were there at all.  He heard a voice louder than the others, calling him repeatedly.  It sounded to slowly grow closer and closer with each second.  Eventually the sounds started blaring, causing him to put a hand up and massage the temples of his head.  The voice got so close it sounded right behind him.  He didn't bother to look since his head was experiencing pain like no other.  Eventually a voice overlapping the previous one sounded louder, yet different than the one calling his name.  It sounded like a girl.

???: Why run away when your answer lies with me?

Once the final word in the sentence was spoken Ryker felt a small hand grab ahold of his shoulder.  He turned instantly to see nothing but a brick wall.  All the voices tormenting him had disappeared within that little turn.  The conversations of everyone in the room started to get louder for him to hear them again.  He pondered in his head about what the hell had just happened, then turned back to stare at the desk once again.  Balerion spoke to him through his thoughts. 

Balerion: I'm sensing that you're under panick.  What's going on?

Ryker took a second but spoke back to him.

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