Chapter 5

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Authors note!: Hey! Just wanted to let you guys know that when you read You, I mean Haduki You! With a few exceptions  ^^'

Matsuri being her usual self decided to find something to eat in the fridge in the middle of the night.

Matsuri took a glance at the clock that was hanging on the wall.

"Hm, 2am? I have enough time for a small snack" Matsuri said as exited the room and headed to the kitchen.

"Let's see, popsicles, ice cream, cream puffs..." Matsuri shoved them away not wanting to eat anything cold.

In disappointment she lazy walked back into her room until a nice smell caught her attention.

"I smell..." Matsuri's eyes lit up. "Curry!"

Hurriedly she made her way out into the hallway.

"Hm this smell is coming from Six gravity's room" Matsuri pouted.

She turned to leave but the smell was pulling her back.

"Dammit, I want curry" Matsuri said as she took her two clips and picked open the lock.

"You wouldn't mind" Matsuri thought as she welcomed herself in.

She saw You's back facing her as she sat down on the table.

"Carrots, potato...what else?" You thought as he headed to the fridge and stuck his head in looking for ingredients.

With You's head in the fridge, Matsuri decided to taste the curry.

"It needs turmeric" Matsuri said as it startled You, she knew this because he hit his head on the roof of the fridge.

"Matsuri! Did you break in?!" You asked as he came out of the fridge. 

"Yeah​ pretty much" Matsuri said as she added turmeric into the curry.

"That's a crime!" You said.

"And that's not the only crime that's gonna happen if you don't shut up" Matsuri scold.

"I hope you don't do this with other people" You sighed as he rubbed his head and looked at her in disappoint. 

"Don't look at me like that, I'm hungry" Matsuri said while stirring the curry.

You kept starring trying to anger her. 

This didn't go unnoticed by Matsuri as she took some curry into a spoon and flicked it at him.

"AH! MY EYES, ARE YOU FOR REAL?" You yelled in pain as he rubbed his eyes. 

"You totally deserved that" Matsuri said as she laughed. 

"Oh yeah, you wanna play don't you?" You smirked as he took a handful of flour and threw it at her.

"WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM! I'M ALL DUSTY NOW" Matsuri yelled as she coughed. 

"You deserved that" You mocked as she glared at him. 

A few minutes later it turned into an all out food fight. 

"CAN YOU BOTH SHUT UP?!" Shun said with a face mask. "SOME PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!" Kakeru yelled as he stormed back into his room and shut the door with a loud bang.

"That's on you" Matsuri said as she smirked.

"Shut up and help me clean up" You said.

"Why should I help you?" Matsuri asked. 

"Cause if you don't, I'll tell Yuki, and she's not going to be happy that you 'broke in'" You smirked.

Nothing scares Matsuri more than Yuki lecturing her about what not to do. It goes on forever.

"Okay, okay, I'll help you" Matsuri said as he handed her a wet cloth. 

She snatched it while pouting and started to wipe the counter. 

After what seemed like forever, they were finally done. 

"What time is it?" You asked as he yawned.

Matsuri looked at the time on the clock "4:26" Matsuri said.

"Damn, better get some sleep" You said.

"You're covered in flour genius" Matsuri said pointed out the obvious. 

"Oh right" You yawned. "Then I'm going to-" Before You finished his sentence the washroom door closed. 

"HEY! THATS MY WASHROOM, USE YOUR OWN!" You yelled as he knocked on the door.

"NO WAY, I NEED IT" Matsuri said as locked the door. 


Matsuri looked around and saw You's shirt on a clothes hanger. 

"I HAVE YOUR SHIRT!" Matsuri said.

"HEY! THAT'S MINE!" You said as he heard the faucet turn on knowing that she won't listen no matter how hard he knocks and yells. 

"You win this round!" You said as he sighed and ran to his room to find another shirt.

With Matsuri in the washroom  

"You's shirt is bigger than I thought..." Matsuri said as she saw that You's shirt reached up to her knees. 

"I need pants now..." Matsuri said as she once again dug through You's stuff. 

She found a pair of boxer that had You's name engraved on it.

"Meh, their just like pants so it'll due" Matsuri said as she wore them and came out. 

"ARE YOU WEARING MY BOXERS?!" You yelled as she shrugged. "Yeah?"

"You're unbelievable" You said. 

"Mind if I crash here, thanks" Matsuri said as she fell on his bed. 

"Are you serious?" You asked. He got no answer as she already fell asleep.

"This girl..." 

The next morning 

Matsuri woke up with the sun shining in her eyes. "Is it morning already?" Matsuri asked as she looked at the window and indeed it was.

"I had some good sleep" Masuri said while rubbing her eyes. "Hold on...this isn't my-...Oh yeah" Matsuri said as she looked at her surroundings. 

"Where's You?" Matsuri asked as she looked around. 

She saw You sleeping on the floor. 

She leaned down next to ear and whispered.

"You may be a douche, but sometimes…you're a pretty good guy" Matsuri said as she put an extra blanket on him as she got up.

"Ah, morning…Matsuri?" Hajime was surprised when he saw her.

"Don't ask" Matsuri said as she walked out.

"Hm" Hajime thought as he shrugged it off.

With the girls

Yuki was also busy cooking until Matsuri walked in.

"Matsuri? Where were you? We we're worried about you...why are you wearing You's shirt and...boxers?" Yuki thought for a while.

Until she gasped. "Y-you guys didn't..." Matsuri shook her head quickly.

Yuki sighed in relief. "As long as you guys didn't do anything um indecent" Yuki said as she continued to flip pancakes.

"Ew gross, You is...weird..." Matsuri said quietly finishing her sentence.

Authors Note: I hope you guys enjoy this story, I apologize if I made any mistakes while typing! And any confusion I caused with You and Haduki You ^^'

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