Chapter 6

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The girls were sitting at the dinner table enjoying their meal as usual.

"I heard Matsuri did something with You last night" Reina whispered as a spoon was thrown at her. 

"That's disgusting" Matsuri gagged.

Tsubaki was finished as she wiped her mouth. "Thank you" Tsubaki said.

"You're already done?" Yuki asked.

"Yes, I have some business to attend to" Tsubaki said as she shut the door. 

The girls looked at each other worriedly. "She seems upset" Kurisu said. 

Yuki took a glance at the calendar. "I think she needs some time, it is her late parents anniversary" Yuki said as she sipped her tea. 

With Tsubaki 

Tsubaki sat down at her desk as she looked at the picture of her parents. 

"I miss you guys..." Tsubaki whispered. 

She remembered the times where her family was complete, and not broken. 

She heard a knock on the door as she got up and opened it.

She saw Yuki standing in front of her. 

"Are you feeling alright?" Yuki asked as Tsubaki nodded. 

"Yes, I'm fine" Tsubaki said with a monotone face. "I'm going to the lounge area" Tsubaki said as she exited the room. 

Yuki on the other hand entered Tsubaki's room and looked at the picture. 

"Your daughter is very strong, she rarely cries, I'm trying my best to take care of her in your place" Yuki said as she bowed towards the picture and shut the door.

With Tsubaki 

Tsubaki was walking down the hall towards the lounge area. Along the way she saw families spending time together. She ignored them as she quickly made her way through them. 

When she made it to the lounge she found Shun already there reading a novel. 

"Ah, Shun, what are you doing here?" Tsubaki asked. 

"Just reading a bit before bed" Shun said. 

"Oh I see" Tsubaki said "Mind if I join you?" Tsubaki asked.

"Of course not, please" Shun pulled out a chair in order for her to sit down.

She thanked him as she sat down next to him.

"I could tell you're upset" Shun said as he continued reading.

"What? Of course not, you're imagining things" Tsubaki denied. 

"Its okay to cry, you should let it all out" Shun said as Tsubaki's face tensed up a bit.

"I'll close the door if you don't want anyone to see" Shun suggested. 

He closed the door and noticed that Tsubaki's eyes were filling up with tears.

"Its your parents anniversary today isn't it? And your finally 18" Shun said.

"Yeah, why?" Tsubaki asked looking down.

"Before your parents left, they told me to give you this on their anniversary once you turn 18" Shun said as he pulled something out from his bag.

"Wait hold on, they got into an accident, how did they know at they were..." Tsubaki was speechless. "Unless they knew..." 

Shun nodded. He pulled out a large box. 

"Open it" Shun ordered as she looked unsure. 

"I'll be right next to you all the way" Shun said. 

Nervously she opened the box and saw a medium sized teddy bear, it was about the size of her stomach. 

"A bear?" Tsubaki was confused until she noticed a note at the bottom of the box.    

She took the note and opened it carefully.

Dear Tsubaki,

Our sweet darling baby girl, I hope you're doing well. You're 18 after all. Your dad and I, wish we could see you grow up but as you know, we couldn't. We love you with all our hearts. I know you won't forgive us for leaving you but it was the only way to ensure that you would live a  safe and happy life. I hope you'll forgive mommy and daddy for this. Now we know that you want to become a idol. We would love to see you preform on stage. Sorry the timing didn't work out. We also hope you like our last present. 

                                                                                                            Love ~ Mommy and Daddy 

Tears started to spill out of her eyes. It was the first time she cried in a long time. 

"I forgive you guys" Tsubaki sobbed as she hugged the bear. 

There was a faint familiar smell of her parents which made her cry even harder. 

Shun smiled. He was glad she didn't have to suffer and hold it in anymore. 

He patted her head. 

She released the bear and carefully placed the bear back into the box. 

She turned around and hugged Shun. "Thank you"

Shun smiled warmly as he returned the hug stroking her long white hair. "You've been strong for to long..." Shun chuckled as she smiled. 

"I know" Tsubaki said. She released the hug and wiped the tears off her face. 

"Feel better?" Shun asked.

"Much better" Tsubaki smiled warmly.

He never saw her smile like that in a long time. He found it really cute.

"Thanks for giving this to me" Tsubaki said as she kissed his cheek.

Shun was shocked. He chuckled. "My cute little kitten" Shun said while ruffling her hair. 

"H-hey" Tsubaki said chuckling. 

"She's so cute" Shun mentally said.

"So what should we do now?" Tsubaki asked.

"I don't know, what do you want to do?" Shun asked.

Tsubaki thought for a while. Then she had an evil glint in her eye.

"I went to have a sleep over with Six gravity, Procellarum, Fluna, and Seleas all together" Tsubaki said. 

"That's a bit dangerous, isn't my little kitten?" Shun asked as Tsubaki smirked. 

"Don't worry about that" Tsubaki laughed. 

"I hope this ends well" Shun sweat dropped.  

 Authors note: Sorry if this chapter seems rushed. I wanted to update before I have to go back to school! Say tuned for the upcoming chapters, I'll try to update as soon as possible. 

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