Chapter 4 | Pervert Teachers ;))

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(A/N: ....why did i write that O-O)

"Miss Y/N, can you tell me the answer?"

I smirk, and look over at the newbie. He's fallen asleep on his desk, his hair falling over his eyes, drooling a tiny bit.

He's cute...

My eyes linger on his lips as I remember how they felt on mine in my...dream.

But I shouldn't be thinking about that..

"I do know the answer, but I'd like to give other people a chance..." I say, my voice sugar sweet. I grin evilly at everybody around the room, watching their bored looks turn to looks of fear. But I have one target now...

"Why don't you ask...the new boy? He hasn't raised his hand yet.." My voice, like syrup, turns the teacher to look at him.

"Very well. Jungkook?? Your answer please?"

He starts awake. The class giggles. I catch his eye and smirk at him, giving him my sexiest look and licking my lips just to make him uncomfortable. I wait for his reaction. His eyes pop wide open, cheeks bright red and he looks down, trying to avoid my gaze.

The teacher coughs. "Well, it looks like you haven't done your homework at all. And sleeping in class too..." He waves his finger around like it's suddenly turned into a bird. "Detention. Meet me after school. You can finish that homework of yours...there."

The class laughs again, louder this time. Jungkook's cheeks redden even more.

Exactly what I wanted.


I stay behind after class, 'accidentally' knocking over my pencilcase, and take that moment to linger by the teacher's desk, hitching up my skirt on the edge of the desk. The teacher looks up with the goofiest smile on his face. 

"Ah..Y/N, what can I do for you today?" He simpers.

I giggle. The teachers in this school are so corrupt, it's easy to fool one. "Teach, I was wondering if I could help out with detention today?" He grins dazedly at me. I adopt a more matter of fact tone. "Because, look, I know how busy you are and you don't want to have to stay after school just looking after the detention kids...and so I just thought...maybe?"

I smile sweetly at him. The dirty minded old man stops grinning at my boobs in a dream and actually looks at my face. Ok, my lips. He starts out of his personal daydream.

"Of course....Miss Y/N! I'm sure you'd get a commendation from me, personally, for doing such a kind and thoughtful thing!" He says, puffing himself up with pride as he thinks, I'm sure, of the honor he would be bestowing on me by doing that. Notice the sarcasm.

He missed my point. But oh well, he doesn't need to know what I really want.

"Thank you.." I say, fluttering my eyelashes at him as I turn around and walk down the aisle, and out the door. And I'll bet you a hundred bucks hes staring at my ass the whole time until the very second I walk out that door.

(A/N: Oh right i remember why i wrote that ;))


Because have you heard?

Jeon Jungkook, I'll see you soon...

at detention...

--that was a weird chapter TnT maybe i'll rewrite it but for now im too lazy -_- feeling tired~ forgive me cuz i just came back from a trip to auckland and had to wake up so EARLY --

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