Chapter 8 | Mask

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"...have a new plan for improving your learning! We will be doing a study buddy program....."

The teacher blathers on and on about something. I'm not listening. I can barely keep myself awake.

"...we will be picking names out of a hat...make sure to exchange phone numbers..."

Every boy in the class is now staring at me. All, of course, except for one, who is making a huge effort not to look at me. I yawn loudly, holding back my smirk.

"....have to find a day to meet and's all about using initiative...making new friends..."

Yeah, yeah, whatever.

"...Ok, lets start. First pair..."

Every boy's eyes flick back to me. Except, of course, for him. His hands are shaking under the table. He's more like a shaking broccoli than anything, his face is so green. 

I lazily take out my tint and reapply it, taking care to go extra slowly for the watching boys.

The teacher's voice rings out into the waiting room.

I click my compact shut.

The teacher's hands dive into the hat full of waiting names.

He draws two out.



(A/N: Bwahahahaha I am one truly badass broccoli)

I glance over and recognize the boy who cheeked me the other day. He smirks at me. I smirk right back. Obviously he doesn't know what he's in for...Must be new. Spotted a cute chick and wanted me to fall for him, huh? I'm surprised nobody has told him yet.......

But...oh fuck, I think I'll pass on this opportunity...and try someone else.

Someone...better my tastes.

The talking has started again, a babble of voices all talking over each other. I glance over and notice the glares Mark is getting, and how the teacher is unsuccessfully trying to get the class to be quiet. I smile to myself as I raise my perfectly manicured hand into the air.

The class goes silent.

"Excuse me, sir?" I say in my sweetest tone, smiling. "I think it would be much better... if I went with Jungkook instead... You see, I think he's been feeling a little lonely, and I would so like to help him out and get to know him better.. That would be all right, wouldn't it?"

The teacher clears his throat, looking uncomfortable. " The whole object of this learning activity is that it is a randomly picked name, to get to know someone new?" He says it like a question, and I can tell he's already been swayed. "I'm sure Jungkook here will have someone else to welcome him...and I'm sure the lovely miss Y/N wouldn't be shy to making friends with Mark?

"Of course not!" I pause. I put on a troubled face. "The only thing is... as I'm sure you've noticed, Mark and I have already become great friends, haven't we, Mark?" I don't wait for him to answer. " this project is all about making new friends, I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I went with Jungkook instead? I'm only trying to help, you see....My father was just telling me the other day about how important it is to help people out!" I say brightly.

The mention of my father makes the teacher go stiff. He knows just what my father could do to him, and I know know I've truly convinced him.

", well. Well. If that is truly the case, Y/N, I-I'm sure you can do that.. Well..." But at that point the bell rings, and his words are drowned in a sea of noise. I smile indulgingly at the teacher before I go, then, as I begin walking to the door, I turn my smile into a smirk as I catch Jungkook's trembling wrist and pull him into a corner while students flow past. 

BTS Jungkook FF | RememberedWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt