Chapter 6 | Bad Day

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I wake up with my head full of his voice, echoing in my head. 

I dreamt of kissing you last night.....

Only now... I wish I wasn't you I'd kissed.

My chest and head are both aching as I get out of bed and get dressed in a daze, not even doing my proper makeup routine before school. I still can't stop thinking about what he said...I...Ugh. Not a good start to the day.

As I walk into school, still in a daze, I hear some bitch shouting at me. "You!" She shouts hoarsely, pointing at me, her mascara running from her tears. Not a good look, for her anyway. I keep my resting bitch face on and ignore her, walking past her as if nothing's happening. 

But she persists. "You ruined my life!" She keeps shouting. Must be crazy. Or, well, I don't remember what I did to her. Whatever it was, I don't care. Really. Heck, I don't even remember her name.

"You fucking bitch!" She says, pulling both her middle fingers at me. Everyone stopped to watch a long time ago, and now they go silent, still filming the whole thing, but nobody moves an inch, watching to see what I do next. I don't care if they film. It's only bad for her, whatever her name is.

I sigh the tiniest sigh I possibly can and stop and face her, rummaging in my purse.  "Ah! There it is." I say aloud, calmly opening up my mirror and pointing it at her. The corridor is silent. The girl, silent tears still running down her face, is completely still, her mouth wide open as she processes what I just did. She must be in shock. In the whole of the corridor nobody moves, except..for me. I close my pocket mirror with a snap that echoes through the corridor. Then I keep walking, walk past the crowds of unmoving people, my heels click-clacking on the stone floor.

Gradually, everyone starts moving again, swallowing the girl up in the crush as if she was never there and nothing ever happened.

I go to my first class, trying to forget about what just happened. The pain in my chest is growing, and I try to think about better things. But what good is there in my life? 

Because I just can't stop thinking about what he said to me.

After a few classes my chest is hurting too much to bear. I won't go to the nurses office though. Nothing ever happens there, all they do is give you Nurofen that tastes like vomit. So I decide to skip. I make my way to the bathroom, glaring at the few people who pass my way.

"Bad day? Skipping now?" Some asshole whispers, daring to grin. Huh. Getting cheeky. I swear the boys in this school are getting cheekier every day. I'll have to make an example of one them, just to show what happens to boys who get too cheeky...

Oh, I know who. Two boys actually. Or..maybe three. One bonus.

Jeon Jungkook...

He can be the bonus- of course...

And those two boys whose punishment I've been putting off. But now, my day can't really get any worse, can it? I may as well see their faces when I tell what they have to do, and when they see I've really come back to punish them for good this time...

"You've just made my day worse, asshole!" 

"Oh, really? Are you sure you're not just overwhelmed by my charm?" He says, smirking.

"Say that again, bitch." I growl.

"Bad day?" He says cheekily. I shove past him, growling. I need some fresh makeup. I sigh, my chest hurting more and more with each step I take. I don't know what's wrong with me... I just need to get to the bathroom and I'll be fine.

But I change to my bitch face anyway. "Are you asking for me to send you some nudes?" I say, changing my tone to sugary as I raise my eyebrows.

He quails at this. "N-no..."

"Them watch out, because soon you'll hear some rumors going around, and you wouldn't want them to be about you next time, would you? Because the boys I'll make an example of this time, you do not want to be them..." I say as I walk away, smirking as I go. But my smirk fades as I get to the bathroom. I look the mirror. I'm a mess, not neat and perfect as I normally am. 

My vision blurs. His face, in the mirror, staring at me as he says those words.

"I dreamt of kissing you last night..... Only now... I wish I wasn't you I'd kissed." 

I start to feel dizzy, and I clutch the edge of the sink for support. But the world spins around me and I sink to the ground. It won't stop spinning, it won't ever stop... I dimly register my mascara dropping to the ground with a clatter, but the bathroom is still too blurry. 

It won't stop... And my chest won't stop hurting...

A bolt of pain sears through my chest. 

The last thing I feel before everything goes black is the cold marble floor on my cheek.

The last thing I smell is the heady scent of my mascara, spilled on the ground.

And the last thing I see....

Is his face.

--I'm really sorry for all the narration in this chapter, i hope it didn't make it too boring...-_- --

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