Chapter 14 | Coffee

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no smut, just a very long kiss scene. (further along in the chapter, anyway)

Also, plz turn on the music for a better experience~

I lose track of the days. 

Jungkook hasn't been at school since then. Nothing...just nothing. 

My mind has been going over and over that scene in my mind, how he left.

I try to lie to myself, tell myself I'm only missing him because now I have no one to tease, no one I can make fun of.

Now, it's just back like it always was, either people fawning over me, trying to be my 'friend', people screaming at me in the corridors, or people pretending to to be invisible in front of me. 

But the truth is, I just won't admit it to myself.

How I'm missing him, how I go over that scene every day, how I see his face, so hurt and full of pain, how he haunts me every night.

I don't know whats happening to me.

But here I am, bent over my desk, trying to study, trying to think of anything but him.

A cup of cold coffee lies abandoned on my desk.

I glance at my watch. 12:31. I guess I can't say they're tomorrow anymore, more like today.

I look out the window, the stars twinkling invitingly down on me, as is there was nothing wrong with the world.

I sigh and get up to put on my coat. Maybe a walk will help.

Once I'm outside I start walking, my breath making puffs of white in the cold air. I wander the cold, empty streets, breathing in the cool air, until I reach the park, my feet taking me closer and closer to the trees, shining faintly in the moonlight. Something...something is pulling me, pulling me closer.

A feeling...

As I get closer I see a figure sitting motionless against a huge old tree, framed against the moon. I know I should stop, go back, but I don't. My heart races.

I know who it is.

I sit down beside him, not saying anything, looking at the stars. He doesn't acknowledge me, but he knows I'm there.

I curl up beside him, pulling my knees to my chest for warmth. And so we sit there, looking at the stars.

But I still can't shake the feeling.... that feeling that I should know something.... remember something about this place.

The feeling grows.... grows into a memory.

The present..... turns into the past.

And I can see in my mind, how it makes me remember, remember sitting beside him, this tree, a ripped skirt, his breath on mine, the knife, cold against my skin, my tears falling onto the cracked soil, his presence, like a breath of air, then he's gone. Pain, ripping me apart, then the relief....

A tangle of images flash into my head, a memory that has to be pieced together.

Things I don't understand.

"....This place....this place makes me remember something." I say softly, not expecting an answer.

He turns to look at me, the moonlight highlighting the contours of his face so one side is in shadow, the other in light.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2018 ⏰

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