Chapter 9 | Sleepover

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I meet him at the door, smirking as he takes in my low hanging grey sweatpants and white crop top. He takes it all in with a wide open mouth. His jaw will fall off soon if he's not more careful...

"You ready, pretty boy?" I say, winking as I lead him up the stairs to my room. He lingers a little on the doorstop, as if unsure whether to go with me or not. But soon enough he follows me up the stairs, and I take a moment and look back at him.

It's raining. 

He's looking out the window, his eyes looking past the rain to somewhere I can't go. 

As drops of rain begin to thud on the roof, I remember something, a dream, of a kiss in the rain...

of kissing him....

And I just wonder, just wonder if he's remembering the same thing.

I look back inside, at the empty mansion I live in, and the magic breaks. 

"Come on, slowpoke! What are you waiting for,  somebody to come and save you? Well, sorry to ruin your daydream, my little puppy, but nobody's coming..."

I giggle evilly, and he turns toward me, saying nothing, his face like stone and his eyes only showing a hint of sadness. He starts walking, and the whole time I taunt him about his stuttering, his clumsiness, and why he doesn't have any friends, but he still doesn't say anything in response to my teasing.

His face is bright red by the time we reach my room, his knuckles clenched so hard they are white. As I catch a glimpse of his tightened fists a scar on his left hand shines white in the light. Is it an old scar? Or a new one...

"What's that? A scar? Aww, my poor baby Kookie has a papercut..." I say, pouting.

"I-it's nothing." His hands shake as he says it.

I shrug. "Well, I'll find out what it is soon.. You can't keep secrets from me, my little Kookie..."

I open the door for him, giggling. "You first.." I say. He tentatively steps in, and stays there, by the door, looking for all he's worth like a stranded puppy.

I instantly flop onto my bed and watch him for a while. 

"Well? Aren't you going to move, or are you just going to stay there looking like a doorstop?" I demand. 

I pat the patch of bed next to me lazily, winking at him. The effect is instantaneous. His ears turn magenta, but he sits down on the bed, as far away from me as he can.

"Sh-shouldn't we be study- studying?" He says timidly, looking at me shyly.

"Suure. Get to it, then." I say without moving. 

Jungkook draws out his books from his bag. His hands are shaking as he turns the pages. 

The hours pass this way. I take out my phone and start playing on it, occasionally saying something to make Jungkook turn red again. Whenever I think he needs it.

Sometimes I catch Jungkook glancing at me, and I smirk behind the long curtain of my hair.

Outside, the rains stops.

The now clear sky is purple fading to pink, then finally a blaze of orange lights up the sky. The sun is setting.

"It's...beautiful." Jungkook whispers beside me. He's watching the sunset too.

I turn away from the window, the orange flower blooming and fading, slowly sinking beneath the mountains. I don't want him to see that I was watching too. 

I watch him from behind my hair.

The last pink streaks of the fading sun are reflected in his eyes. A strange, sad smile hovers on his lips.

I wonder if he is remembering something.

Then he turns toward me. I quickly look away. 

"I-its getting l-late.." He says, already pleading with me. "M-maybe I should go now?"

I flick my hair back from my face and smirk at him. He already knows I'll say no.

"Not likely, my little puppy dog.. I'll keep you here as long as I want."

"P-please..." He looks at me, his eyes full of pleading.

"Mmm...Why?" I say, popping some strawberry flavored gum into my mouth and chewing it lazily.

"B-because... because.. I-I have to..." He's mumbling at the floor, nearly whispering so I have to strain my ears to hear him. I blow a bubble and it pops right in his face. He flinches.

"You have to. What a great reason." I say, dripping with sarcasm.

"They- they'll.....they'll....kill me.." His voice cracks.

"Tell me more." I say, resting my chin on my hand and blowing another bubble.

"I.. I can't.."

"Fine..." I say. "You can just stay here with me- I know! Why don't we make it...a sleepover..."

I wink, smirking at his terrified face.

"Don't worry..." I whisper, taking his chin in my hand and drawing him closer to me. "I won't do anything...naughty  to you...."

His cheeks go bright red. "N-no.. please..l-let me go.."

I tut at him. "No no no... Not happening, my darling Kookie.." He squeaks with surprise at me using that nickname. He really is adorable when he's embarrassed. 

"Oh dear, it's bedtime already..." I look at my watch pointedly and get up slowly and deliberately to turn off the light. It clicks off, and suddenly we are in darkness, a darkness only broken by the rays of moonlight, highlighting the contours of Jungkook's face. "...You can fall asleep, don't be afraid..." I croon, sliding between the silk sheets of my bed. I beckon with a finger and I know he sees it, even in the darkness. 

"Go on... Get in.."

Even though this nighttime world is only in black and white, I know his cheeks are red. But he does what I say. He's shaking as he slides under the covers next to me. 

My bed is definitely big enough for two.. 

 I slide a little closer to him, and feel him tense up. We are now so close I can hear his breathing and the fast beating of his heart. I brush his arm as I put my mouth to his ear. A tingle runs through my body.

"..Good night, my Kookie...." I whisper in his ear.

And so a night with Jungkook begins.

O M G i love hixtape Hobi will forever be our sunshine  >///////< 

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