Special Chapter: sleep over party

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A/N: since i have no idea what to write for my next chapter, I decided to have a special chappie, i mentioned in Akira's POV that she dislikes Akane's dolls right? if you didn't read it..... go bak to chapter 1...

So, just read and enjoy jaa~


Akane's room

After their movie, Akane took out her dolls and stuff toys from an another room like her talking doll Pinky, her panda puppet, mambo her teddy, some stuff dogs and baby alive. "hi guys! I bought my toys" she said while opening the door, "wahh!! Aka-chan has cute toys" Akira sparkled "You still have these?" Aoko asked "yeah, theyr'e gifts and some are my winnings in an amusement park" Kumi took the panda puppet and begun to play with it. They played with her toys when they noticed akira was laying still and looking at the ceilling.

"Akane..... Ayami...is kinda freaking me out" Sora shivered "what is she looking at?" Kumi went near her while Akira was clinging on Sora's arm , kumi looked at her and she shook her "oi, Ayami.... what are you doing?" she asked, but she got no reply "oi... Ayami..." she shook her, she gulped and slowly looked at her friends behind her back "SHE'S POSSESSED RUN!!!!!!!"  she yelled "KYAAA!!!!!!" they ran towards the CR, Kumi shut the lights in the room as they entered rushingly.

"Are you sure that she was possessed?!" Aoko shuttered 'she was still and quiet...too quiet" Kumi assured "ko-kowaii" Akira hugged Sora, then the lights shut was off "KUMI!!!!" they shouted, then she turned it on again "ehe... sorry" she made a peace sign.

creeekkkkk... (sound of the door) "Why the h**k did you ran off screaming?! and you turned off the lights?!" Ayami scolded them 'AHHH!!!!! THE POSSESSED GIRL IS HERE RUNNNNNN!!!!" they reacted, and ran off again this time they went to the edge of the room where they piled Akane's stufftoys, Ayami went closer to them with her puzzled face.

Scared, they threw Akane's stuffdoys to her "hey- wait!" she protected herself with a pillow, then Akira grabbed the wrist of baby alive making her speak "hi mommy hihihihi~" they looked at the doll "let's play hihihi~" the doll winked "KYAAA!!!! BABY, YOUR'E ALIVE!!!!!" Akira jerked "Akira! guys! calm down!" Ayami yelled "first off, I'm not possessed I was just looking at he light on the ceilling it pretty distracting you know and second... there's a reason that, that baby is called baby alive!" she explained "ohhhhhh...." they looked at each other and nodded.

When theyr'e going to sleep....

"good night girls" Akane yawned "good night" (lights off) "hey... Akira.... see that window, with a shadow over there? Chucky is waiting there for you" Ayami teased her "shh!! that's not going to happen!" she covered her ears.

"Sweet dreams Sora... dream about your prince" Aoko teased "shut up!!!".  

"Akane.... there will be worms,centipides and creepy insects under your foam again" Kumi wiggled her finger "urusai!, I'll put on some cotton in my ears" she declared standing up to get some cotton, but instead she got baby alive and hid it behind her back, she lied on her foam and whispered "Kumi i got the doll" "Give it to me...." she smiled mischeviously, "Akira...." kumi called "hmmn?" "happy birthday!!!" she tossed the doll landing on her face "KYAAAAA!!!!" 0.0 the doll lied on the floor saying "good night mommy~" which made the girls shriek "it will be better if we sleep" Akane Said "yeah...yeah... that's a good suggestion" they agreed.

Next day

They woke up seeing Ayami startled "g-guys....is it just me or just the doll crawled to sit on that chair" she pointed at the doll sitting on the chair, that they left it alone laying on the floor last night, "hi mommy hihihihi~" the doll chuckled "KYAAAA!!!!!!" they all went white.


A/N: Sorry if this wasn't the chapter you expect me to write.... I'm really sorry!!! *bows 100x times*


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