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Kumi's POV

After reading the book the fault inour stars which I already read four or five times, I looked at my watch, it was already the end of basketball practice, I crossed my fingers so nothing will come out wrong. I exited the library, then a group of girls.... no fangirls of the Kiseki no Sedai Fan club blocked my way , they are usually mean and arrogant to the girls who are close to one of the members.

I stared at them blankly "what do you want? and who are you?" i asked "You may not know us but-" I cutted them off "I'm sorry I don't talk to strangers" I continued to walk but they pulled my arm harshly causing myself to be out balanced "ittai..." "now where are you going now?" one girl said disgust.

"Hey! stop doing that!" a whistle was blown "sh!t you got lucky" they said and ran "Kumi-chan, are you alright?" I looked at the person infront of me "y-yes, I'm okay Pearl-sempai" I smiled a bit, she lend a hand so I could stand up "Pearl-sempai, thanks for helping me and here" I gave her some chocolate that I made "I saw another one in your bag, Its for Midorima right?" she smirked "h-hai".

while walkin we saw him exiting the SC office "there he is! now go to him" she pushed me softly and I started to walk, when he saw me "today's lucky item is mint chocolate, but the girls who gave me chocolate are not mint, so its useless nanodayo" I smiled and bowed "please accept these " I said softly "thanks Kumi-chan" he opened it and ate one, his face lit up "thanks again" he patted my head "do you want to walk home together nanodayo?" he said while blushing I nodded.

Sora's POV

"Yuck.ew. The paint is so sticky!!" I complained while washing and scratching the paint off my hands, arms and face "are you okay?" Natsumi sempai asked "hai..." I replied with a fake smile " I know that you are lying, use this" she handed out a bottle of paint thinner "I don't do drugs" I said with eyes wide open "Baka! It's for your hands so the paint will easily go off" she hit my head softly with a paper slapper "ittai" "that wasn't hard you know" she said.

"Hey, can you get the red box in my bag? " I requested "sure" she got the red box and showed it to me if she got the right one " to whom I'll deliver this?" She asked "it's yours happy valentines sempai" then I received a back hug "uwwwahhhh arigatou!!" She smiled. "Where's mine?" A bluette popped from nowhere "KYAAAA!!! Tetsuya!" "Gomene" he apologized I sighed and looked at my back, I saw my sempai running with a thumbs up "GAMBATTE!!!!!" I sweat dropped "here happy valentines"I handed a light blue box "arigatou" he smiled....... KAWAIII!!!! 0////0 "let's go to the park!" He pulled my hand.


We were on swings, Tetsu was enjoying the cupcakes, while I looked up at the sky "ahhh... Sora chan" he handed a cupcake I bit it and hebit my part of the cupcake "I-indirect t kisu" I whispered -///-.

after chatting and eating some cupcakes, he walked me home. " Sora-chan, meet me at your window, I have something to say to you" he said when he dropped me off at our door step. I went in "tadaima!" I said my greeting, I wear my slippers and proceeded to my room, I got my sketch pad if I got anything to say, then opened my curtain, I saw Tetsu then he wrote something "I really like you, Sora-chan" I blushed and I started to write " I feel the same way".

Akira's POV

The dance club already ended, but there are some weird girls following me, IDK if they're stalking me or anything, but it's getting annoying, I looked at my back, "yokatta, they already disappeared " when they are already in front of me, I tried avoiding them but they are still blocking my way "what do you want?" I asked them "stay away from Ryota Kise" one of them said "he's not that dangerous" I replied back "he's ours" they glared

"ours as in 'seems like somebody disapproves, they judge like they know a about me and you' hi there fellow swifties! !" I said with a smile "Grr.... Stupid girl" they popped a vein "what? What was that? Your breath smells so bad that it made me ears numb" I copied Vanellope from the movie wreck it Ralph " how dare you!!" One of them was going to slap me when a hand stopped it " don't hurt my junior, got that? " it was Janna-Sempai!! She tighten the grip the girl winced "gomen!" They ran.

"Are you alright?" She asked me " I'm okay Janna-sempai TTTHHHAAANNKKK YOOOUUU!!!" I jumped on her back and hugged her, "ah! Before I forget this is for you!" I gave her a red box "arigatou!" She patted my head " I'll be going then" she waved. "AKICCHI!!!!!!!!" I heard a yell behind me, then I was tackled by a hug "I heard that you have been bullied!!! Are you okay??." He asked " I'm okay please get off of me!" "Gomene".

"By the way... Happy valentines Kise!!" I gave him a yellow box "thank you!!! , >_<" he hugged me again "mind if we walk together?" "Okay"

Than he whispered something on my ear " I love you"

Aoko's POV

"Aoko-chan! Good job for today !" Louise-sempai tapped my shoulder "thanks", I wiped my sweat using my sleeves, then I got my bag "Louise-sempai! I made some chocolate, happy valentines!" She accepted the chocolate then ate one "uwwaaaa!! Aoko's chocolate Is the best!! I love it" he eyes sparkled "thank you and I'm glad you liked it" I smiled.

After the practice Louise-sempai and the other members went home, I hid the last box of chocolates in my blazer when "Aoko-chan!" I saw Louise-sempai "good luck!," how did she know?! 0-0.

I went to his classroom but he was not there, I asked some of his teammates but they had no idea where he is, I went to the roof top but still no sign, when my phone rang "Aoko, meet me at the gate, let's go to Maji's" "ok" I ended the call then rushed down stairs. I saw Daiki with his arms crossed and he waved hi at me "let's go?" He held my held my hand.


We sat at some seats after we ordered, our food came and we finished all of it "let's have dessert shall we?" He smirked, I took out the indigo box "happy valentines!" I smiled and he opened the box "here" he took one and shoved it into my mouth "thanks Aoko" he smiled and kissed my forehead.

" Aishiteru" he wrote it on a piece of paper " same" I blushed

Normal POV

Next day......

The girls were new about the fact that their beloved GOM was absent on that day, apparently, only the two knew about their absence so they explained it to them.

After class a text was received by Akane from her cousin saying that she must fetch her at the airport, she was accompanied by Aoko since the others were busy due to their club activities.


They saw a red haired girl with black tints at the tips of her hair "Taiga-chan!!" Akane screamed, the red head replied with a wave and they walked towards her "did you wait a long time? " Akane asked "not at all... Wait that girl looks familiar... Are you suppose to be Aomine Daiki's twin sister?" She smiled "no..." Aoko awkwardly said "you know him?" Akane asked "yeah... We met in America, and are you suppose to be Akiyama san? Aka-chan liked to talk about you" she held her Hands " yes... Nice to meet you Taiga-san" she replied "oh please... Drop the san... We'll be classmates starting tomorrow!" She smiled.


Now that's that!! Please leave some comments and the sempais I mentioned are *drum roll*

PearlMontrea as Pearl-sempai

1washere as Louise-sempai

Stardefender007 as Natsumi-sempai

JannaTheaPangan as Janna-sempai


Keep calm and tease Akane

Akane: what!!!!! Come here and I'll beat you up!!

Me: let Akane rage on

Akane: oh... You're going to get it!!!


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