we'll never be those kids again

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the deserted parking lot seemed too quiet. it was nice but irritating at the same time. the sky was starting to settle a dark blanket over the trees, stars were glittering the sky. gazing up, I turned the key in the ignition off and the headlights dimmed, revealing the dark. I sighed and reached over to the passenger seat for the notebook. I studied the cover and sat back in my seat. it was a blue college rule spiral, thin because of all the paper that I had ripped from it. it wasn't in any good condition at all, the top right corner was chewed and torn,  showing the ugly cardboard brown under the blue. there was a rose carved from a pencil in the middle and scattered, cheesy, lyrics all over. it was barely hanging onto the metal spiral. I traced my fingers along the rose and looked up across the dash.

the hairs on the back of my neck rose and a cold shiver shot down my spine as a shadow caught my eye. my first thought was my mind was playing games. but it felt off.

deciding this wasn't the best place to be, I started the engine. the headlights flashed on and I stared dead into the eyes of a bleeding fawn.

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