in comes the morning

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it was dark. standing before me was a wall. I looked up, confused. I was startled at how low the cieling was. curious, I turned around, my arm brushed the wall on the opposite side. it was just wide enough for me to stand in. I felt a little panicked. I slowly reached out and touched the other wall in front of me. a nameless colored paint came off onto my finger tips. it started to burn. I staggered backwords only for my back to meet the opposite wall. I could still reach the other wall with my hands even though my back was against the one across from it. a numbness hugged at my legs. the dark only became darker and the silence became a ringing terror, screaming nonsense in my ears. suddenly I gasped for air and held my hand to my chest. barely feeling anything in my lungs, I winced and my instincts told me to flee. I hopelessly pushed on the walls, only to find it made the feeling in my chest worsen and I gave up my efforts. the sound of silence only became more aggressive with every shaky and airless breath I attempted. giving in, I leaned against the nearest wall and slid down, holding my face in my hands. I started to sweat profusely, the atmosphere in the space began to grow hotter and hotter as the seconds past. but I wasn't able to focus on the seconds, the silence clawed at my ears and pulled open my eyes. without the intentional movement of my limbs, I felt my hands tear away from my face. fighting back, I reached up. but the cieling wasn't the same. I quickly drew my hand away close to my chest and tried to examine my surroundings. the space had shrunk, it was only big enough for the position I was in when I slid down the wall. I tried to push my feet out but the more I pushed against the walls, the more they shrunk. panicking, my muscles tensed and I felt acid-like tears rolling down my cheeks but the burn felt like crystal shards. after a moment of struggle it became clear to me that I had only made matters worse for myself. I couldn't move anymore. I was pinned.

"wake up."

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